07 | duality v. jealousy

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07 | "You're

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07 | "You're... you're that boy!"

It was time for work again

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It was time for work again. Yerin left early to pick up some documents from the administrative department, waiting for the elevator to open again. Yawning with her papers in her hand, someone joins her to her left. She minds her own business, though, because, with his hair color, it wasn't Sunghoon. Yerin had time to think about that, though, while waiting for the elevator to come back down to the first floor. He doesn't wake up that early and easily. At most times, he'd arrive five minutes before he's considered late, and he'd look oddly neat for someone almost late. Whenever he was disheveled, he'd say he woke up early and lost a grip of time. Whatever that meant.

"Oh?" Someone says, causing Yerin to look up at the floor number, seeing a '4' displayed across pixels. "It's you?"

She didn't think the person was talking to her, so she yawns again. However, once a brief hand touches her shoulder, she flinches. Turning around slowly, her jaw drops at the sight of a familiar face. She points at him, all the way to his feet, before gasping. "You're... you're that boy!"

"Jaeyun," He corrects. It was baffling to Yerin- instead of being in plaid and jeans, he was in a suit, glasses on his face with hair cleaned up nicely. What had looked like a kid yesterday became a man today, and with his knowing smile, Jaeyun chuckles. "It's you, Cha Yerin. I didn't know you worked here."

"Didn't you say you lost your job?" She wonders, taking another moment to think if that was even an appropriate statement to start with. "Do you work here?"

"No, I'm applying," Finally showing the proof, he has his resume in his hands, a suitcase in the other. "Since I still need to provide for my mom and me, I decided to try and get a job at a different place. Which department are you in, Ms. Yerin?"

The elevator opens, allowing both of them to enter quickly. Since they're the earliest ones, nobody else enters, and the elevator closes. Yerin clicks her floor, and Jaeyun stares at it. "I work in the accounting department. Where are you applying to?"

"The public relations department," Jaeyun nods, happy. "It seems we will be working on the same floor, right?"

"Yes, we are!" Yerin laughs, Jaeyun doing the same. "I know the department head personally. If you need me to put in a good word for you, I can help you out. It's exciting to hopefully be working with you!"

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