20 | wake-up, break up

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20 | "Before there was love, there was work

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20 | "Before there was love, there was work."

"Woah," Department Head Park stops the girl, placing the palm of his hands on her shoulders before fixing her glasses with both hands

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"Woah," Department Head Park stops the girl, placing the palm of his hands on her shoulders before fixing her glasses with both hands. They were falling off her face, eyebags noticeable from her exhaustion. "You look like a monster. Why is my hardest worker falling asleep so early in the morning? Did you not get any sleep?"

"Sorry, Jongseong," Yerin groans, rubbing her face with her hands. She sniffles, trying to forget the harsh words Sunghoon spit at her yesterday afternoon. "I've just been restless thinking about the major mess up. I feel bad for Yeojin and- Sunghoon."

"Yeojin was talking to me about it before she went to bed. You know, she has to get the energy out somehow," Jongseong shrugs, sitting at his desk. Yerin sits next to him when he pats the free chair, the girl leaning back in it. Her back was aching. "She said it didn't matter to her. All that mattered was that the event was successful. Thankfully, it was, or else she'd be out of work today. Wait, let me rephrase that. What I mean is-"

"I know Yeojin's not upset with me. What's been keeping me restless the whole night is Sunghoon being mad at me," Her frown isn't enough to properly showcase her disappointment; it was as if Yerin went back to square one. The distance between her and Sunghoon was far more vast than before, from taking separate buses in the morning to avoiding each other. "I don't know how to confront him. I've been trying to see him all morning, but he isn't around."

"I saw him this morning, so don't think he wouldn't come to work," Jongseong tries to make it better, but Yerin's eyes become watery. "Come on, Yerin. Have some faith. Weren't you guys romantically into each other days ago, living it up like nothing matters except the both of you? Don't be too discouraged over one problem."

"I know that. I know couples tend to fight. I read it in a romance book!" Yerin whines, a tear slipping out unconsciously. "It's that Sunghoon cares about work as much as I do- and I let him down. Haven't you ever made one mistake that almost cost you what you cared about?"

Jongseong couldn't relate because his whole life had been scenic. It was a pretty picture of him and his girlfriend, with his stable job and life. Secretly, Jongseong pities Yerin, seeing her fall apart in front of his eyes. He can't comfort her any better than he could comfort anyone else- and that made him feel horrible.

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