11 | children can see love

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11 | "Are you two

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11 | "Are you two... dating?!"

Saturday comes by like a racing car, urging the pair to get their side jobs done

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Saturday comes by like a racing car, urging the pair to get their side jobs done. Even though they don't get paid, what they enjoy most is secretly loving the other's company. After all, they're lovers but oblivious to the thought that the other may like them back. On that note, the pair wait for the students to pile in. "What are you doing, Yerin?" Sunghoon questions from the desk, looking at her place Jaeyun's bouquet down and take one out at a time.

"There's too many for me. Where would I even put this many flowers?" She shakes her head, smiling at him. "So, I'm giving them out as a gift. Do you think the students will like it?"

Sunghoon raises an eyebrow as she continues placing them down. However, sitting in a jar filled with water on her desk was a sunflower. Sunghoon blushes but hides it within the palm of his hand. Swooning, he nods, clearing his throat. "I'm sure they'll like anything you give them, Yerin. You're very generous."

Yerin gazes over at him, beaming. "Thanks, Sunghoon!" She exclaims but then points at him. "I also should thank you for the sunflower. Where did you get it? It looks so lively."

He wants to tell her the truth, but the voyage wasn't easy. He couldn't find any at the store. He couldn't find it at the next store over. So, he ventured out towards a farm that seemed to have plenty. He asked the gardener for permission, but the gardener said she didn't know how to remove it (how ironic.) So, after searching it up on the web engine and falling on his head to release it a few times, he finally got the sunflower. 

Then, he missed the last bus because it was already night time, so he had to call a taxi. He had to run from the rural land to the entrance of the town to get a car. However, with his love and determination, he made it on time. 

Sunghoon would've been caught in love if he told her, so he brushes his efforts off. "I bought it at the store," Yerin nods, acknowledging it. However, to make him look like a hero, Sunghoon smiles proudly. "It was the last one. I fought with someone to get it for you."

Yerin widens her eyes, placing the last rose on the far desk. "Is that why you had dirt in your hair last night? Dust on your suit too..." She trails off but can't help but walk back to the front with smiling eyes. Standing facing him, Yerin sees some of the dirt still there. Her hand reaches up and grabs it. Sunghoon watches her, eyes soft at her beauty. "How do you still have dirt in your hair? You should've showered your hair better, but I won't ridicule you yet. Thank you for the flower."

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