14 | love emancipation

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14 | "I love her

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14 | "I love her. I love her way more than you do, hyung."

"So, what do you think?" She taps her hands against the frame of her laptop, tilting her head

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"So, what do you think?" She taps her hands against the frame of her laptop, tilting her head. Sunghoon found it so, so cute. "Any of those to your liking?"

"Yeah," Sunghoon exhales. "All of them."

She chuckles. "You can only choose one, Sunghoon-"


His serious tone catches Yerin off-guard. "What is it? Did I say something wrong?"

"I want you..." Sunghoon trailed off, licking his dry and hesitant lips. "...To come into my world, Yerin."

What? What did he say? Yerin was silent, unable to respond to the sudden confession made by her co-worker and forbidden crush. Yerin, unable to say anything, laughs awkwardly in response. However, knowing that Jongseong and Yeojin have the same thought process (and considering the relationships they share with her and Sunghoon), she realizes that her wishes seem to be the same as Sunghoon's.

Nevertheless, she plays dumb. "What do you mean by that, Sunghoon?"

And because of that, Sunghoon's faith in his words falls. He didn't know if she was playing stupid, was indirectly rejecting him, or was clueless. Poor boy. Yerin wasn't ready. She didn't want to hesitate for too long and lose him, but as much as her love for him grew, the cons of his popularity hit her hard.

"I meant, uh, for you to also be open to my ideas for this so that we can collaborate," Sunghoon excuses the best he can. He itches his head, sighing out of frustration. "However, your ideas are superior to mine. Yeah, that's right. Just write them down for me, okay? I'll check with Yeojin and see what she says. Let me go make some tea."

Before Yerin could respond, Sunghoon dismisses himself from the conversation to make some tea. Yerin feels bad that she had to put him in such a bad mood, but the way her heart was beating, it was better for her to play dumb than to get her feelings in a tight situation. So, she sits back and resumes her work on her computer, 

even when her heart clenches for a man she loved deeply. 

The next morning, the public relations team calls a meeting to further discuss the best plan of action for the aquarium.

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