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21 | "I think you're exaggerating

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21 | "I think you're exaggerating. It can't be that bad!"

Jongseong lays on his girlfriend, the two spend their nights together

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Jongseong lays on his girlfriend, the two spend their nights together. However, this night especially, Jongseong's mind was elsewhere. His head rests against Yeojin's chest, the girl's free hand ruffling his hair while the other checks through work documents. Yeojin soon hears the deep exhale Jongseong sighs, her hands stopping in his hair and resting on his chest. "What's wrong, love? Thinking about something?"

"Do you think..." Jongseong doesn't hesitate to voice his concerns, his hands resting on his stomach. "I'm not that helpful?"

Yeojin acts as if she's never heard such a thing. Her eyebrows furrowed together, shaking her head moments later. "Who said that to you? You're their Department Head, so they can't voice such personal concerns. Did someone say that to you? Who should I insult?"

Jongseong sits up, startling Yeojin. He turns his head around slightly and says, "It's not that!" Taking a pause, he sighs at Yeojin's confusion. "Yerin was having a hard time today. She asked if I've ever made a mistake that cost me what I cared about."

Yeojin continues to listen, making note of his words. "And the problem is that I couldn't relate to her- and I wanted to help her! How could I comfort her if I didn't even relate to her, not one bit? I felt horrible watching her break down the whole day because I couldn't say the right words. I felt like, as her friend, I was letting her down. I didn't even owe her comfort. She didn't ask me for comfort. However, I wanted to give her a small sliver of it. I couldn't even do that."

Yeojin didn't know how to respond. She's never had Jongseong voice a concern like this, so she tries her best to convey her message although it may seem rude. "Exactly, you don't owe her that comfort, Jongseong. Besides, Yerin has always been independent, so you don't need to-"

"It's not only her, Yeojin!" Jongseong was upset that Yeojin couldn't get what he was trying to convey. "All my life, everything has gone easy. You've helped me so that I can't experience problems, my family has sugar-coated things for me all my life, and even my work has been handed and easy for me like butter. Yeojin, don't you get what I'm trying to say? I haven't been... helpful enough."

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