26 | finally, the finale

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26 | "I'm glad you're here

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26 | "I'm glad you're here."

Separated in two rooms for weeks, Yeojin lays on the couch while Jongseong stays in bed

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Separated in two rooms for weeks, Yeojin lays on the couch while Jongseong stays in bed. Of course, it was by free will because Jongseong initially volunteered to sleep on the couch for at least a week. However, one time, Yeojin got home early, felt bad for him, and slept on the couch until now. It was all but comfortable, but Yeojin was willing to make sacrifices for him.

Yeojin was exhausted, workloads that represented days filling up her schedule. Most of the time, she couldn't sleep. Her eyes tensed her brain every time she sat in front of the laptop, but she had so much work, there wasn't much to save. Finally, she sends the last email, a relieved sigh leaving her lips. "Thank god that's over," She whispers, closing the laptop before rubbing her eyes. "God, I need sleep. This stupid couch is so stiff, though."

She rubs her hair back, taking off her glasses to rub her eyes. Yeojin looks back to the kitchen, seeing the table still set for Jongseong's dinner. "He hasn't eaten yet," Yeojin mumbles. "It's not like I can convince him to eat. He's always coming home early to lie in bed."

Yeojin hasn't eaten yet. Each day, she waits, hoping that Jongseong will eventually come out of his shell, but each day, she's disappointed. "I guess I'll eat now," Getting up, Yeojin walks over to the dinner table, sitting in her seat that faces the windows. Looking down at her food bitterly, she takes a stab at the chicken, cutting it and placing it in her mouth. Cold.

Scoffing, Yeojin angrily puts down her fork on the table, the stress overwhelming her to tear up. As she holds her head in her hands, the tears start to flow, and Yeojin begins to sob. It was worse since Jongseong was no longer on speaking terms with her, fully ghosting but still within the walls of her house. The workload was usually normal for her, but Jongseong would carry some of it or ease her stress by simply being with her. It's harder for her to make it through the day.

As she cries quietly, letting the empty room comfort her more than herself, the bedroom door opens. Quietly, a roommate steps into the kitchen, hearing his girlfriend's distress. He doesn't say anything and walks over, taking a seat in front of her. She doesn't notice until the clang of the fork against the plate gets her attention, watching him pick at the chicken. He eats it despite its coldness and keeps his eyes on the table. Yeojin stares at him with tears still flowing, sniffling before trying to pretend nothing happened.

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