Chapter 12

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It was another normal day. Me getting Bonnie up without him trying to tie me up or something and then getting to work. Me and Bonnie hold hands walking into the bowling alley.

When we get in I see Nick coming from the storage closet with a lot of cleaning supplies. I let go of Bonnie's hand and rush over to him. "Ever heard of taking a little at a time?" I joke giggling a bit. "I just wanted to get everything I need, heh."  "It's alright I'm just messing, let me help you." I say grabbing a few things. "Thanks. You look really nice today." He compliments and I smile. "Aww thank you. It's nothing special though, just the uniform." I say trying not to blush. "Well the bunny ears look cute on you." I laugh a little. "That's one of the reasons why Bon calls me bunny." I say looking over to an irritated Bonnie who just walked away. "Huh wonder what's up with him." I say under my breath. "It's alright you can talk to him after we're done." Nick says and I nod, helping him take the supplies to the hall for him. We bid each other a good day and I go to find Bonnie.

I find him playing a round of bowling. He usually doesn't bowl in the morning unless he needs to let out some steam or if there's something on his mind. Great...."Hey doing alright?" I ask softly, approaching him. I wince at the sound the ball makes hitting the pins so hard. 'Yep he's mad' I thought. "Bon?" I ask again but he just turns around with an angry face but once we make eye contact his expression softens and he sighs then putting on a well tried smile. "What's up?" He says sitting down on one of the chairs. "You doing alright, you seem upset. Did I... do something wrong?" I ask fiddling with my fingers but not looking away from his deep red eyes. His face drops to one of shock and concern, he quickly gets up and walks over to me cupping my face. "What!? No no no! Bunny you didn't do anything wrong, I could never be mad at you. It's just- nothing it's okay." He tries to assure me. I don't feel convinced but I leave it alone. "Alright." I say lowly. "I'm sorry honey bun, I didn't mean to make you think that way." He says softly, caressing my cheek with his thumb. Even though I thought it was my fault, I was blushing from the name, his touch, and how he's trying to reassure me. I shake my head to wipe my head from those thoughts. "It's okay Bon, it's not your fault. I was checking up on you." He sighs and nods. "Alright, how about we go walk around during our break today?" He smiles sweetly at me and I nod with a smile. "I would like that."  "Good, see you later then." He says giving me a tight hug, rubbing his chin on my head then walking to the front counter while I walk to the bar.


It was almost our break time. About an hour left, I can do this. There's a lot of people today and I'm rushing to give kids and parents their drinks. I walk up to this guy next not paying attention to who it was. "What can I get you sir?" I say then looking up to be met with familiar dark green and brown eyes. "Oh Nick! Sorry I didn't see you there." He chuckles. "No no it's alright, I get it your busy. Just came over here to see you for my break." He says with a smile and leaning his head onto his palm. 'He came to see me?' I ask myself. "Oh well thanks for stopping by, that's sweet of you! Can I get you anything while you leave here?" He thinks for a moment before looking back at me. "What would you recommend?" He asks and I smile. "I know just the thing. Bonnie loved it and maybe you will too!" He laughs and I make him the drink I mixed up that was s/f/f vodka and f/f milkshake. "Here ya go!" I say giving it to him. "What is it?" He asks and I tell him. He takes a sip and his eyes widen. "This is strangly....good?" I laugh. "That's what Bonnie said when he first tried it." We both laugh and have a nice conversation while I still serve some people.

Bonnie's POV

It's five minutes before me and y/n's break so I just decide to head over to her. There's no harm in leaving early, right? As I make my way over to the counter I see her and that Nick kid talking and laughing. I couldn't help but get upset and a little jealous. I glare at Nick, burning holes into the back of his head but when I shift my gaze to y/n....I sigh. She looks like she's having a fun time. Her smile is bright and genuine, her eyes are sparkling, and her laugh is like sweet music. I didn't want to disturb her when she was happy but I can't let that stupid boy take y/n from me. I'm so close to being with her and he's taking that chance away!

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