Chapter 23

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Once I got to Roxys room I almost broke her door rushing in. "ROXY!" "JEZUS CHRIST!"  "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!" I apologized, closing the door and walking to her, sitting on her vanity while she sits on the chair in front of it. "What do you want squirt?" She asks annoyed but I just swung my legs while holding a smile. "Why are you all giddy?" She asks suspiciously, I smile wider. "I need your help."  "Wiiiiith...?" She stretches the word and crosses her arms. "With getting ready for a date." She immediately perked up at this and stood straight up. "Wait really?! Is it with who I think it is?" She asks now smiling a little and wagging her tail. I nod vigorously. "Yep! Bonnie asked me out!" She laughed and cheered! "Wait then why do you need me?" She questioned sitting back down. "Well see, im not really good at hair and make up so I came to you to help me with that. I would ask Bonnie but hes the one im going out with and i would want to surprise him." I chuckle sheepishly. "Ha! Of course! You came to the right person, I am the best after all!" She praised with a hand on her hip and doing a hair flip. "Don't worry, I'll make you look like a queen just like me!" She said sitting back down. "So when is it?"  "This Friday after work!" I responded. "I got you. I can even call Chica to help pick an outfit and everything!" I jumped off her vanity and hugged her. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" She laughed and patted my head. "No problem pup." We both talked a little more, questioning what's gonna happen and how it's gonna go. It was fun, me and Roxy don't bond much anymore like we used to but now this will change that.

After a while I bid Roxy goodbye. Walking down the hall. "Going so soon bunny?" I whip my head to the side and see Bonnie leaning against his room door when I passed it. 'I thought he would still be in the alley!' I questioned mentally. "O-oh hey Bon! I was just going to find you!" Bonnie cocks a brow. "You sure about that?" I quickly nod my head as he approaches me. "Hmm, alright. What were you and Roxy talking about~" He cooes trying to get me to talk. "Uhh nothing! Just wanted to check in on her since it's been so long!" I try to make a believable excuse and thankfully he takes it. "Gotcha." He says taking back a step. "Well I'm gonna get going nooow..." I stretch and look away but I see Bonnie put his ears up. "You can stay here if you want....sense someone took you the other night." I heard Bonnie whisper under his breath. I chuckle. "Okay, I'll stay. Only on one condition!" Bonnie crosses his arms and smiles. "And what would that be?" I smile back. "That we get to cuddle." I deadpan, not really realizing what came out of my mouth until i see Bonnies eyes widen for a second. "I MEAN- *ahem* I mean because your warm and stuff ya know?" I blush all shades of red while explaining, trying not to make it weird and looking away. "Uh- yeah sure I don't mind." Bonnie says looking away with a smile on his face. "Th-thanks. I'll be right back then I'll go grab some clothes from the gift-" "No need." He interrupts. "Huh? But I need to change out of uniform." Bonnie nods. "I know. You can just borrow some of mine." I blush even more, my face feeling like a furnace. Butterflies form all around my stomach again as I look at him questioning myself if he really said that or if Im just dreaming. So again I pinched myself to snap me out of it. "Ow..." I whisper. "Idiot. Why did you do that?" He asks taking a step closer. "Oh uh- just needed to make sure of something." Bonnie smirks and looks down at me. "Checking that your not dreaming~?" He mocked and I looked away. "I-uh- no! Ummm....maybe?" I stutter and fumble over my words making him laugh. "Come on let's go." He grabs my hand and brings me to his room.

Bonnie let's me sit on the couch as he brings back a gray t-shirt and sweatpants. I unfold the t-shirt and it looks like a dress! I know Bonnie is taller than me but damn. I take the shirt and sweats and go change in his bathroom.

The t-shirt barley fits me it's so funny! It's falling off my shoulders and it goes down to my knees. The sweatpants are a little baggy too but thankfully it had strings or else I'd be going pantless out there....maybe I'll do that another day. I laugh at that thought. As I look at myself in the mirror I quickly take some of the shirt and snuggle into it. It smelled just like him, lavender and cinnamon. I sigh dreamily, letting the scent surround me. I collect myself from being a little creepy then walk out.

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