Chapter 3

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Bonnie's POV

After y/n leaves I turn back around to sit down but I see Freddy holding in a giggle. I glare at him and ask "What?" He let's his giggles out and looks at me. "Oh nothing." He says and smiles "Nuh uh that little fit of giggles wasn't just nothing." I say crossing my arms. "Fine fine its just cute to see you and y/n act like a couple." He says and I immediately blush, my fans even kick on. "We don't act like a couple! We're just close friends and I'm looking out for her, that's all." I say sitting back down next to Freddy but looking away from him. He hums like he's thinking then says. "Is that what you wanted to talk about? How y/n only seems like a close friend when you want her to be more?" I freeze. "W-why would you assume that?" He laughs and wraps his arm around my neck. "The note you sent earlier said you wanted to talk about something. Your usually specific so you don't worry anyone but this time you weren't. I know y/n sends your notes so I thought that you wanted to talk about her incase she looked at it." My eyes widened on how he figured all that out. "But also a heads up, she never looks at the notes you send incase it is private so when she hands the note to the right person she asks about it instead and if we say it's private she understands but if it's not we explain something simple." I snapped my head at him. "What did you tell her when she asked?" He smiles and pats my shoulder. "That you just wanted to hang out sense it's been a while, she just nodded and walked back to you." I sigh of relief until he smirks "So I was right, wasn't I?" I rub the back of my neck, looking away. "Yeah but that's no surprise, you can read everyone and their actions like a book." He laughs "Well then start talking whenever your ready." He says sitting back. I take a deep breath.

I know I can trust Freddy, we've been there for each other since the very beginning and he's very trustworthy, I know he won't spill my secret. So here goes nothing. "Okay so I don't exactly know what's going on. It never happened before but one day sparks in my wires started happening and it only happens when I'm around y/n. My fans kick on and I get this tingly feeling all over. We've been friends for so long and she's great, she's funny, outgoing, chill, comforting, flirty, sarcastic, smart, helpful, bold, beautiful, strong, kind, silly, independent, i love how she never depends on others, she's strong for that and how she tries not to push her problems onto others, I admire that about her not just that but everything. I can go on for ages. She's always been like that to me, but now it feels different. We became friends instantly like we just clicked and I love spending time with her and calling her my little bunny and assistant. She appreciates me and looks out for me when I need it. I try my best to make her feel comfortable and at home when she's around sense she doesn't have anyone else really. That's why I give her the affection and love she deserves and didn't get. I want to protect her. I need to protect her. She's a lovely girl and I don't want to stay away from her." I finish my rambling with a sigh and look over at Freddy whos almost screaming as sparkles form in his eyes. I raise my brow at him. "Bonnie, you like her." "Of course I like her! I wouldn't be taking care of her if I didnt." I say back and he laughs "Not like that. You like her in more than a best friend way. You have a crush on her." I look at him confused. "A crush? Are you serious?" "A crush is someone you have different feelings toward, romantic ones to be exact. That tingly feeling, the over heating, the magnetic pull towards them means you have fallen for them." I understood fully now when he said romantic feelings. I do want to be with her all the time, kiss her and hug her, make her mine. "You do show obvious signs of liking her. Do you think she caught onto it?" He asks "No because I've always done those things to her so she thinks of them as a friendly gesture or me being nice and flirty. And me being a dumb bunny trying to play it cool because I don't know if she feels the same or not so I try to push the feeling away but I don't even want it to go away." I sigh plopping my face into my hands while Freddy leans over and hugs me. "Hey its alright. First off your not dumb, your very clever. Second how about I help you to see if she feels the same way?" I looked at him with panic "No no! I don't want to give it away and isn't it to early?" He laughs and looks at me. "Bonnie, you guys have been friends for over a year now. You guys made great progress on your relationship and if you want to take it to the next level all we can do is ask if she wants to as well." I look at him then I look down, dropping my ears. "What if she doesn't feel the same?" I ask in almost a whisper. "Bonnie if she didn't feel the same she wouldn't be comfortable with you being all over her." I blush at that because I know I'm very touchy especially with her. "You think I have a chance?" Freddy smiled and nodded. "Okay but can you ask her in a subtle way? Not so direct." Freddy nodded again "You can trust me." He replies with a friendly smile. I sigh "Thanks Freddy, your the best." I say and hug him.

I bid him Goodnight and go to sleep in my room thinking about how he's going to figure this out... and me.

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