Chapter 45

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Another two weeks of work crossed off. I've been making good progress with and without Foxy. I think I should be done with Bonnie's body in another month. I'm so excited to bring him back that my heart can probably go into cardiac arrest! Sure this has been one hell of a roller coaster but it'll all be worth it. I've been staying here for the past couple weeks too so it's easier to just wake up and get to work. Though...when I can't sleep I just come back down here and work. Moon has caught me a couple times and will forcefully drag me back to bed or he'll stay and talk with me till I get tired enough to fall asleep.

Sun has been sneaking sundrops to me every now and then to help which im forever grateful for, they work like a charm! It's like I'm a little kid running on five monsters, ice cream, and pure sugar. That's how I get most of my work done nowadays because I feel like I work faster with those things in my system.

Everyone else still comes to check up on me and even Eli has taken a liking to helping me fix Bonnie. I didn't tell her it was Bonnie because it would break her sweet little heart so I told her it was a new project I was working on for a friend. She does pretty well, with my help and supervision of course, and she honestly learns quickly for an 8 year old. Gregory learns quickly too and will also help me but otherwise he likes to just explore places he hasn't been.

Everything seems to be going dandy so far. The others are getting excited about Bonnie coming back and that everything is finally safe. I couldn't be more ecstatic for everyone and everything going so well. It almost seems like a dream and if it is, I never want it to end.


Two more weeks passed! I'm so exhausted but I'm so close to finishing Bonnie. Just a few more wires and parts and he should be done with another three weeks if I keep going at a good pace. I don't come in with a frown anymore, I smile at the progress I've made. The thing I'm scared of doing most though is getting all his information on a new chip. Sense his is cracked it won't fit in his Endo correctly so I'll have to transfer everything onto a stable card but I don't know very much about coding. I'll have to get a coding engineer in here to help me or something when the time comes. I just hope nothing of his gets lost while transferring.

Anyway, I've been spending more time with everyone....while working heh. I'll invite someone down here with me for the day to talk and stuff while I work, including Greg and Eli. Today Roxy is coming down so I'm waiting for her to show up.


Almost there! One more week! He's really coming together. I just need some small parts like eyes and finger connectors, stuff like that. Last night I was looking online for some good coding engineers sense it's almost that time. I found this cool girl named Kia (pronounced as kuh-eye, like pronouncing the sound of k then saying eye so it's kia) she seems pretty professional and knows what she's doing, I even called her and she walked me through steps she would have to do and I think I'll trust her. I invited her over next week because that's when the new chip I ordered arrives and that's when I'll hopefully be finished with Bonnie. Can't wait!


The day has come! It's been another week and the chip arrived right on time, thankfully undamaged! Kia should show up any minute, I told Freddy to escort her here when she arrives. I am technically complete with Bonnie but I fell asleep on the table one night and got behind on work so I still have his ears to attach and the wires in those then I should be done. Give it a quick diagnostic in the protective cylinder and bam! Bonnie should be up and running when I activate his chip.



That must be Freddy and Kia! "Come in!" I call out as I take off my gloves and goggles. Freddy walks in with this tall lanky girl with long chocolate brown hair, light green eyes, pail skin, and glasses. She was wearing a black bodysuit shirt with blue jeans and a zip up sweater. "Hi, you must be y/n." Kia greeted with a smile and her hand out. I shook her hand, giving her a tired smile. "Yep! Nice to meet you Kia, thanks for coming. And thanks Fred for bringing her in." Freddy nods, waves and walks out. "Woah you built him by yourself?" She asks amazed, looking at Bonnie's almost complete body. "Yep! It's been hard work but I'm so proud of how he's looking, can't wait to have him back up and running." I respond. She walks around him, inspecting every inch with sparkles in her eyes. "I've never been one for actual mechanical work but I'm always so amazed by it. How many years were you in school?" She asks breaking her gaze from Bonnie to look at me. "About seven years total." I smile. "Hey we did the same amount but I went to coding instead, it came easy to me and I thought it would be a fun career." She says. "Glad I picked you then." I chuckle. "I'm happy I was your choice, this will be so much fun. So when do you want to get started?" She placed her hands on her hips looking determined. "Does now sound good? I wanna get that over and done with." I fiddle with my hands as she nods vigorously. "Perfect! Just give me the old chip, new chip, and a computer." She lists.

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