Chapter 15

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Continuing from last chapter

"First we're gonna play hide and seek!..." Everyone groans but then the lights everywhere in the plex shut off, the only light being everyones eyes, besides mine. " the dark." I finish and they actually seem intrigued now. "What's the catch here y/n?" Roxy asks and I giggle. "Okay yeah I don't trust you anymore." Bonnie says and I giggle more. "Oh calm down you wimps. Who ever wins gets to boss the others around for a few weeks." I explain and they all shrug and nod. "Who's seeking though?" Monty asks and right on time..."Me." A low and raspy voice emits from the dark. Chica screams because she wasn't expecting it and I laugh. "That was funny!" Me and moon snicker and everyone looks uneasy. "That's unfair! Moon is great at finding people!" Monty complains. "That's the point. Whoever wins is the best that's why they get to boss everyone around for a few weeks!" I explain and everyone agrees. "Wait wheres Sun?" I ask. "He was to tired from the children today so he said to play without him and he's sorry he didn't join." Moon answers and i hum. "Alright! Let's get started! We have the whole plex to hide in, choose your spot wisely. Moon knows this place like the back of his hand so Goodluck. You can begin counting now Moon." He starts and everyone takes off in different directions.

I go to hide in Roxys raceway because it's under construction so if I hide in it there's things to cover me. I hide in the back of this crate behind boxes. When Moon or Sun is it during hide and seek you want to hide somewhere where it fully covers you. They like to climb the ceiling to get a better view so as long as your covered they wont find you as easily. Their night vision doesn't exactly help the hiders either. I'm used to walking in the dark a lot so I'm fine with it... besides walking into walls.

I hear a scream, immediately knowing it's Chica. She's the first to be found, she gets scared to easily and never picks the best spots. The people I know who actually have a chance at winning is Foxy and Bonnie. They are sneaky motherfuckers and it's down to them to see who wins. Unless if someone else wins that would be funny.

It's been about an hour and I think Freddy has been found too. Just then I hear heavy Footsteps walk past the crate I'm in. I held my breath but then saw a tail pass from in the crack of the boxes. It was Foxy, I forgot he liked to move to different spots during hide and seek. Whenever the seeker is close to Foxy he waits for them to go away and then runs a different direction. For heavy machinery they know how to keep their metal footstep sounds quiet.

Roxy got caught next, I heard her complaining back in the middle of the atrium. "Oh y/n~" Moon cooed he sounded a little distant but close enough. "Come on out starlight~" I brought my legs closer. "I can hear you breathing~" His raspy voice sounded closer. I can hear his bells jingle around near by. He's messing with me. He knows exactly where I am but he's circling me just to mess around. Just then a thud was heard not to far. "Oh Bonnie~" I heard Moon say with a sinister laugh and then run in that direction. I hear his jingles fade and I take the chance to hide somewhere else. I mentally thank Bonnie for distracting him and quietly run.

I found a vent, near the salads and sides counter so I quickly loosened the cover, slid inside, and closed it back up. I was in there for about 30 minutes but then I heard this music start playing? I turn around and see this spider like thing with symbols. "AHH!" I screamed and kicked the vent back open stumbling out. The spider when back into the vent scurrying away. It looked like DJ music man but smaller? I didnt know there were smaller versions of him.

I then hear faint jingles coming this way. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" I whisper to myself stumbling to get up and running somewhere else to hide. I quickly slid over the counter of salads and sides and hid in one of the cabinets. I hear Moon approach the vent I was just at. "I know your around here somewhere y/n." He says with an evil giggle. I put a hand over my mouth and hold my breath. His jingles came closer and closer until..."YE DUMB CLOWN!" Foxy yells from the next stand over. Moon found Foxy when he was switching places.

After Moon left the scene. I got out and snuck around.

This time I went to the third level into the east arcade. I quickly run around avoiding the security bots trying to find a place to hide. But as I turned the corner, I ran into a security bot. Just my luck! I hear Moons giggles from outside the main doors and I quickly run in a different direction to hide. Moon slams the doors open quickly looks everywhere. Out of nowhere, a hand wraps around my waist and another around my mouth, quickly pulling me into another dark room. "HM?!" my panic was muffled before I calmed down, seeing the familiar purple fur.

Bonnie holds me close making me heat up and blush. My legs start to tingle from where his hand is. "I know your here y/n~" he sounded closer than expected. Bonnie tightens his grip on me then covered his eyes with his ears so the light from it doesn't attract Moon.

About 5 minutes pass and Moon groans. "Ugh! I swear she was here a second ago!" He stomped out of the arcade, doors closing with a slam. Bonnie let's out a sigh of relief, putting his ears back up. "Oh shit, sorry bunny!" Bonnie says letting his hand off my mouth and I take in a big breath. "It's alright, haha thanks for saving me though." I say smiling at him. He smiles back. "No problem. Couldn't have ya get caught and have Monty win. Or give away my spot." He snickers. "Oohh that's right, Monty hadn't been found yet!" Bonnie nods. "Yeah I saw him actually. He's hiding and blending in with his attraction." I widen my eyes. "Huh, that's actually really smart." He nods along with me.

A moment past and then he slides down the wall to sit on the ground, him adjusting me in his lap to sit between his legs on the floor. "You can stay here and relax for a minute or you can go hide somewhere but I recommend staying for a few more moments, I can hear Moon still outside the arcade." He says with his ears twitching in different directions, catching the sound of Moons bells. "Yeah I'll stay here I've almost been caught to many times." We giggle. "Sounds good to me." He says wrapping his other arm around my waist too and placing his head on mine. I giggle and place my hands on his arms, running my fingers through his soft fur.

After a few moments of comforting silence, he slowly slips one of his hands up my shirt, placing his hand on my bare stomach, making his thumb rub my belly, going over my belly button a few times. It was such a cute and sweet feeling. It gave me major butterflies and I was blushing. It was a small but comforting act that I melted into immediately. Laying my head back onto his chest and snuggling into his fur. He giggles. "Don't fall asleep now, we still got a game to win." He whispers in his soothing low voice. I smile and hum before saying "Well if you keep talking like that your gonna put me to sleep and your gonna get us caught." I can feel his temperature rise and I try not to giggle at him being flustered so I just smile.

We stayed like that for a good hour. Just giving each other affection and waiting this game out. "Think we should move spots now?" Bonnie suggests and I lift my head to look around. "Yeah I think it's clear." I agree and get up, Bonnie following behind me.

We exit the arcade but then we're both grabbed by the back of the collar of our shirts and lifted into the air. Moon was hiding on top of the door waiting for us. Of course. "Ahahaha! I knew you were in there!" Moon exclaims, happy he got both of us. I sigh and cross my arms. "Damn it..." Bonnie reaches over and pats my head. "We did good bunny." He said in a defeated tone. "Then that means...MONTY WON?!" I said in disbelief. "Yep. Sure does starlight~" Moon says placing us down. "Why didn't you look for him?!" I ask still upset. But Moon just shrugs.

We turn the lights back on and met everyone in the atrium and we tell Moon to go grab Monty. They both come back and Monty has a cocky grin on his face. "Sooo~ guess I'm the boss for a while, huh darling?" Monty says resting his arm on my head and looking down at me. I huff and roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah your the boss, stupid gator." Monty laughs. "This is gonna be fun." He says and everyone looks different directions, scared of what he's gonna do. "Alright! Movie time!" I shout changing the subject. Everyone agrees and we walk to the daycare theater.

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