Chapter 50

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I sit up straight in bed as soon as my alarm went off. "Today's the day!" I cheer, waking Bonnie up who was beside me cuddling my waist. "Come on Bon! We gotta get ready, I don't wanna be late!" I shake him and get out of his grip to get ready. "Ready for what exactly?" He groans. "For the reopening of your attraction duh! You get to open it today first thing!" I tell him, switching out into my uniform while he's not looking. "Fine fine, I'm getting up." He gets up, kisses me on the cheek and gets ready. I rush to the bathroom to do my daily routine before jumping out with a big smile. It's been about...two weeks? And the higher ups claimed Bonnie to be back and the boss wants us to throw a welcome back opening party! Bonnie gets to cut the ribbon that's set up in front of the doors of the bowling alley and it'll be so exciting! Last night everyone helped cleaned up the place to make it sparkly and neat. It was going to go great!

As soon as Bonnie was done getting ready I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the elevator. I practically ran out of the elevator once it reached the third floor. "Wait up!" I hear Bonnie call behind me. "Catch me if ya can cotton tail!" I shout, still heading straight for the doors. "Damn it, my arm!" I heard him shout, I quickly stopped and snapped my head around to make sure he was okay but I was instead, tackled to the ground. "Ha! Can't believe you fell for it." Bonnie laughs. "Stupid bunny! That was unfair!" I shout inbetween laughs, trying to push him off me. "How was it unfair exactly?" He asked with a smug smirk. "I thought you were hurt!" I exclaim punching his arm. He chuckles and leans down kissing my lips. "I'm sorry love but you never said there was any rules." He smirks and stands up, helping me to my feet. "Yeah yeah whatever." I joke and grab his hand, walking the rest of the way to the attraction.

We stand in front of the big shiny doors with a ribbon across it. "Okay so the boss will announce everything and all you need to do is give a little speech and cut the ribbon!" I say clapping my hands. "And what do you do?" Bonnie asked. "What do you mean? I stand by you as a person who put some work in duh." I respond. "But-nevermind." Bonnie cuts himself off with a smile. "Alright the others and the boss are on their way now." I tell him with a big grin. We talk as the others arrive. "Bonnie! It's so good to see you up and running again! How are you feeling?" The boss asks as he gave Bonnie a hand shake. "Thank you sir, I'm doing great. It feels awesome to be back." Bonnie smiles. "Yeah I bet, all thanks to this hard worker right here! She really loves you guys, she even sacrificed every-" I give him wide eyes and a big 'no' sign with my arms in a cross like an 'x'. He stops thankfully after he sees me. Bonnie suspects it and turns around to glare at me. "Nothing nothing! He was just saying I sacrificed my sleep and daily life to fix you." I smile with my hands behind my back. Bonnie clearly doesn't believe it but he just takes that for now and we continue to set up and prepare.


The plex finally opens and I'm so happy for everyone to see that Bonnies back. The crowd starts to huddle over by the doors as they wait for the reopening to begin.

As soon as the whole place was filled, the other band members came along with Nick and the kids. Our boss walks up in front of Bonnie, while I step off to the back side a little so they get the spotlight. "Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and Girls! Thank you all for joining us on this magnificent day! Today is a very special day for us all as we remember one of our band members left us for a little. But now! I would love to announce that our beloved Bonnie the bunny is back!" He cheers and moves out of the way for Bonnie to wave at familiar faces. The crowd went wild, they really did miss Bonnie and seeing him up and running again filled the little kid's hearts with joy!

After Bonnie was done waving, the boss gave him the mic. "Hello again superstars! I missed you all very much! I want to thank you all for coming here to give me this welcome back party, I cant wait to hang out and play with you all again!" The kids shriek and scream of excitement as the parents clapped. "Now I do have a special guest with me. Most of you probably know her from this place or have seen her around. I want you to give her a big round of applause for putting in the time and effort to help me and the plex stay in tip top shape! Can you do that for me?" Bonnie announced, catching me a little off guard. What was he doing??? I was just supposed to be up here with him because I work in the alley too. This is about him not me. The kids cheers cut me off as I looked at Bonnie confused. "Now please put your hands together for y/n l/n!" He shouts, turning and holding his hand out to me. I smile sheepishly as I take his hand and wave at the crowd. A couple of kids knew who I was so they all started chanting 'milkshake lady' which I find hilarious because that's all they know me for. I just make their milkshakes and they're on their merry way.

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