Chapter 19

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Me and Nick walked out of the pizzaplex and got into his car. "Ready?" He asked starting the car. "Ready as I'll ever be." We both smiled and made our way to the restaurant.

It was a beautiful restaurant! It was white and gold with sparkly chandeliers hanging all around. It was spacious and bright with big tables that have silk clothes draping over it. The place filled with the scent of steak, salads, cheese, chocolate, and more. "Woah when you said fancy, I was not thinking this." I commented as we walked to our table. "Gotta take a beautiful girl to a beautiful place." He flirted and I giggled.

He pulled my chair out for me, I giggled and sat down, him pushing me in. "When Bonnie said to treat me like a princess he wasn't being serious." I say laughing. "Even if he was I would still treat you like one eitherway." He smiled making me blush.

The night went on and we had tons of laughs. It was going good, I could do this again with him but my mind wouldn't stop thinking about something or rather someone. "Cute photo." I looked at Nick confused. "The photo in your phone case." I look to my side to see my phone screen face down showing the picture Chica took of me and Bonnie cuddling that one night. "O-oh yeah, the gang took it and Chica put it in my case. I forgot that was there." I laugh nervously and blush. "You two have quiet the connection, huh?" He asks and I look back at the photo and smile. "Yep, sure do." "Do you like him?" I almost choke on air. "W-what?" I ask hoping I heard him wrong. "Do you like Bonnie? More than a friend I mean." I look at him scared for a moment. Will he think I'm weird for liking a robot? Well he wouldn't be asking if he wasn't okay with it, right? I sigh. "Can I tell you something?" I ask messing with the fork on my plate. "Anything." He says leaning forward. I look at him and take in a deep breath. "I've had a crush on Bonnie for a while now but I'm scared. I'm scared of ruining what we have now, Im scared of him leaving, and I'm scared I'm going insane by liking a robot." Nick stays quiet, letting me continue. "He's my best friend. We've been there for each other each day. He's funny, kind, smart, silly, flirty, outgoing, protective, charming, I can go on forever. His eyes sparkle everytime they meet mine, hes so soft and comforting, he always smells like lavender and cinnamon, his smile is bright and contagious, and his touch is gentle and-" I look up to see Nick smiling and I stop talking. "S-sorry. Anyways you get the picture. I've loved him for a while." Nick chuckles. "Then why are you on a date with me?" I look away. "You were so sweet and kind. You seemed like a good guy that I can get somewhere with but I also went out with you to force myself to be out and be in a relationship with a human because people will hate Bonnie and me for being together. I should be around more humans than robots..." I explain my smile fading. "Oh come on don't think like that! I knew you liked him anyways just wanted to make it clear." He says taking a drink. "Y-you knew? How? Is it that obvious?" Nick shakes his head. "It's not that obvious but once you get the idea of you liking him it shows. You always talk about him, the way you two act towards each other, the nicknames, the kisses and hugs, the goofy smiles you flash at each other, the jokes each of you play on each other, the way you tease one another, I can go on. Also if I'm being completely honest, I don't find it weird that you love Bonnie. Those animatronics seem more human than us. He seems like a good guy when hes not jealous and he clearly likes you too." I heat up and my eyes widen. "H-how do you know?" Nick laughs "Really? You can't be this oblivious right? He holds your hand everyday, he kisses you every chance he gets, he's always touching you, he flirts with you non-stop, and he even gets jealous of other guys that try to be by you, take me for example." I shake my head. "No no those are normal things he's always done! He kisses me to show me he cares, he touches me a lot because I think it's his love language. We always flirt with each other, it's in our personalities and isn't it normal for friends to be jealous?" Nick takes a moment. "I don't know if he's meaning it in friend way though, look out for a sign that's off like maybe he got a little to close to you than usual, became more nervouse or bold, small thing like that show he likes you too. Now the jealous part, no. It's normal for friends to tease you about liking someone but if someone is jealous over you going out with someone then that's a big sign they feel more for you." My mind goes blank. Is he right? Can Bonnie like me back? He has been doing those things...oh my God what if I have a chance! "Do y-you think I have a chance?" Nick smiles and laughs. "A chance? Girl you already have him hooked! You have more than just a chance. All you need to do is confess." I back up a bit in my chair. "Woah woah no way! I can't do that! What if it comes out wrong?! It's too soon, we just got over a fight too and he probably thinks I hate him still, what if he hates me?!" Nick pats my hand. "y/n calm down you guys are fine. I for sure know he doesn't hate you by the look he gave me and what he told me before we came here." I nod along. "Okay how about we make a deal?"  "A deal? What kind?" I ask. Nick leans back and starts to blush. "Uhh I'll help you i-if you...helpmegetwithfreddy!"
(Translation: help me get with Freddy)
He says the last part fast but I catch on. "No way...." I whisper looking at him. "Your bi?! And you like Freddy!?" I almost squealed at how cute that is. "Shush! Yes yes I am and who wouldn't like Freddy?! He's such a hunk and don't even get me started on how hot his voice sounds and how gentle he is. He's the literal definition of a gentleman." I giggle. "Oh my God you have yourself a big deal!" We shake hands and laugh, enjoying the rest of our night together as friends.

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