Chapter 46

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Continuing from last chapter

My body felt like it was going to explode. My fingers and legs were tingling to a numb. I was gripping my shirt so tight my knuckles turned white. My heart was pumping and beating so fast I swear everyone could hear it. I just wanted to scream and jump around. I was so ready for him to open his eyes and hug me again. Though...the excitement started to die in everyone as we realized 5 minutes has passed and he hasn't turned on.

My brows knitted together and I slowly let go of my shirt as I approach his limp body. I shook him a little first then pressed his power on button again. Still nothing..."M-maybe he's just taking his time coming back?" Chica said but it came out more like a question because even she wasn't sure. I wanted to say something, anything but nothing came out everytime I opened my mouth. Kia comes up behind me and pats my back. "Hey I'm sure whatever it is we can fix it. I'll check his coding again and I can help with whatever you need okay?" I once again couldn't say anything.

Freddy snapped out of his own haze and rounded everyone up. "I think it's best to just leave for a moment." He quietly suggested as everyone nodded and walked down with their heads hung low. "Hey darling, come along with me. Give her a moment." Monty called to Kia who nodded, patted my back again and went with Monty.

I can't believe it. After all this time, all the work and sleepless nights just for him not to power on? As my brain is finally processing the situation tears spring to my eyes and I try so hard to contain my sobs. Letting loud huffs of hair I start to hyperventilate. "Why...why? Why!? Why?! WHY!?" I scream as I tangle my hands in my hair. I look up at Bonnie's resting face. I let go of my hair and start shaking him. "Wake up! Wake up! You can't do this to me! What did I do wrong?!" The tears pouring out of my eyes like a river as banged my fists on Bonnies chest in anger, shame, and disappointment. The sobbing made my body feel weak, the energy drained from my body as quick as it came before. I slumped down to floor and sat against the wall. I just sat there, staring up at Bonnie's body in the chair, waiting for any sign that he's still there. I gave up and put my head in my hands, pulling my legs closer to my chest as I kept crying. "Please...what did I do wrong...?" I whispered to no one in particular.

The silence got louder as I became deaf to my own cries. The emptiness I felt in the room eating me whole as I shrinked into myself, wanting to just sleep this now nightmare away. And thankfully....I did. I cried myself to exhaustion then fell asleep.

Freddy's POV

It was very disappointing that Bonnie didn't power on, I tried to contain myself as I walked into my green room but as soon as I was alone I broke down. I cried, not as hard as the first time but it was still hurtful to not get him back when we were expecting him. I miss him so much. I wanted to go comfort y/n but I think she really needed a moment to herself as do us all. I just hope we can figure out what happened so we can bring him back.

Montys POV

When me and Kia walked away I couldn't help but look back at y/n's teary eyes as she just stood over Bon's body. I turned back to Kia who also looked sad for us. I gently grabbed her hand and led her to my room. We talked about each other as we tried to get our minds off the event that just happened. It started to get late so eventually she left, leaving me with her number and a copy to give to y/n. I thanked her and escorted her out before losing myself in my mind on my way back to my room.

I can't believe it didn't work. How could it have not fucking worked?! She did everything right! The coding seemed fine, everything was brand new and intact, his so- it still in him? Oh shit. Where's Freddy?!

Chica's POV

After I left I went straight to Roxys room to cry into her arms. Surprisingly I wasn't the only one crying, she was too. We were all really hurting and it showed. Me and Roxy tried our best to comfort each other as we wept on the floor in her room. I miss him so so much, we all did and we wanted him back. Whatever is wrong better get fixed soon or we're gonna lose it even more.

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