Chapter 35

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I was making my way up to the third floor, trying to avoid all three of them! I was actually doing well staying out of their line of sight. That is until...."What the hell is Montys mystery mix?" Gregory asked through the fazwatch. I quickly put my hand over it to muffle the sound but it was to late. Chica, Roxy, and Monty all turned towards me. "GREGORY!" me and Freddy both scold him but for different reasons.

I'm running for my life at this point. Roxy is hot on my tail, I'm turning sharp turns left and right to lose her but it's no use. Wait...there's only three...where's Foxy?! "FREDDY! WHERE IS FOXY!?" I screamed at my fazwatch. "He's around the corner from you waiting! Run the other direction!" I look behind me and see only Monty and Roxy are still there. "Freddy is there anywhere underneath me I can jump on and wont kill myself?!" I shout looking around. "I umm- I can't believe I'm suggesting this..." "SPIT IT OUT!" I demand. "Okay okay. Straight ahead from you is kids cove, on the side of the balcony there is a couple of pipes that you could grab onto and slide down." I look ahead and see what he's talking about but I would have to pass Foxy! "Is there anything else?!" I ask breathless. "Sadly no." I take a breath in as I see Foxys hook shine in the light from around the corner. "If I die I'm blaming both of you!" I jokingly tell the boys. They said something but I wasn't paying attention at the moment.

Once I line up with the wall Foxy is hiding behind, I go into full sprint pass him heading straight for the balcony of kids cove. Clearly he was still faster as I can feel his feet causing an earthquake within my bones and his hook lightly touching my shirt. I was so tired I wanted to give up but yet I was so close. The balcony was finally in reach. I jumped on top of it and leaped for the pipes only to get pulled back mid air and dangled. I quickly looked up in a panic and there was Foxy with a big sharp tooth grin. His hook ripped through the back of my shirt just in time to catch me. I knew he was close but not this close! My heart was beating so fast I'm surprised I haven't gone into cardiac arrest.

I tried pulling on my shirt but he was slowly bringing me back up to him. "No no no! Foxy please! Wait wait!" I pleaded with tears forming. I looked into his eyes to find any type of normalcy but all I saw was glitching. This wasn't them at all. He was so close to bringing me back up. I grabbed my shirt and ripped it as hard as I could one last time and it worked, dropping me three stories to the ground. Though landing on those hard matted floors and blocks, knocking the wind right out of me. I sat up trying to breath when I looked up and saw Foxy looking furious. He chomped his teeth at me and ran the other direction, probably to come down here and get me. I have to move and fast.

I promptly got up only to crash back down in pain. "What the hell man?!" I hissed and looked down at my bloody soaked shirt. I lifted it up only to see my wounds from Moon have started to bleed again. "It's whatever, just get somewhere." I talk to myself and get up, quietly walking next door to Montys golf and hiding in the bushes out front the attraction. Once I take a second to breath I call Freddy. "Freddy? Gregory?" I ask to make sure they're okay. "y/n! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?!" Freddy bombards me with questions. "Yeah yeah I'm fine, I'm hiding in front of Monty's golf course right now." I say and send them my location. "Alright we're on our way, hang tight." He responds.

A few moments later I see Gregory and Freddy walk by. "Guy, over here." I speak up. Gregory rushes over and behind the bushes. "y/n! Your bleeding again, are you okay?" I put my hand over his mouth. "Bleeding? y/n are you bleeding?" Freddy asks with worry. "No no I'm alright, it's just old blood." I let go of Greg and smile at him. Freddy takes the lie and I change subjects. "Well anyway did you guys get the badge?" Gregory smiles and shows me the badge. "Yep! I had to make Chica a pizza for it." I laugh. "Even when she's in protocal she can't resist pizza. Also to answer your question from earlier Greg, Montys mystery mix is a pizza flavored slushy. I don't recommend it, it's gross no offense to Monty though." Gregory gags. "Thanks for the heads up but sense it's pizza flavored, do you think we can use it to distract Chica later?" I look at Freddy and we both shrug. "Sure why not." I answer back. "Let's go get it then!" He cheers and drags me by the hand.

We get to the bowling alley sense that's the only place that holds Montys mystery mix in the back storage. Freddy and I both give each other another teary eyed look but he holds his hand out to me. "It'll be okay. We got this." I nod and smile, taking his hand and walking in. Gregory rushes past us and behind the bar counter. "I cant find it!" Gregory complains, clmibing and standing on top of the bar counter. I run up and grab him setting him down. "Don't climb up there weirdo, I need my counter clean." I half joke. "Your counter?" He asks and I look at the bar then back to him. "Yep! I'm the bartender here and Bonnie's assistant as well as mechanic. But as you can see....I got moved downstairs. I'm not fully complaining, I get to help the others but I still....really miss him." I look over to Freddy and back to Gregory again. "We really miss him." I corrected and Gregory let out a quiet 'oh'. "Alright enough sad stuff, we can cry later let's just try to survive." I change the subject while messing up Gregory's hair making him giggle and look up at me with courage filled eyes. "Let's do this!" He shouts. Freddy comes over and hugs us before letting Gregory hop in his chest as I walked by his side out of the alley.

We were hiding behind one of the food stands at the moment. "Okay look. I'm gonna turn my fazwatch sound off so I can get by the others to the third level again. You'll still be able to hear me though. Gregory go through the vent to get to the loading dock door and let Freddy in from the kitchen door." I state the plan and look at the boys who nod their head. "And be careful, don't get caught. If we survive tonight I'll buy you whatever you want, alright little man?" I tell Gregory and he lights up and nods. "Good. I'll meet you by the loading docks once I'm done." Freddy swiftly pulls us both into a big bear hug. "Be careful little ones. Especially you y/n, I wont be there to protect you." I pat Freddys back and chuckle. "I know Freddy, I can protect myself. Just focus on keeping Greg safe." We all nod and split to try again.

I made my way back up to the third floor, avoiding security bots. "I bet you have no friends!" I heard Roxy shout and I giggle in my head. "I'm literally friends with everyone who isnt human here. Including you dude don't even try." I whisper to myself, answering Roxys statement. My fazwatch lights up and I look down.

Gregory: Wow do I not count?

Me: haha of course you do, I'm just messing around.

Gregory: That's what I thought. Also why aren't you friends with any humans?

Me: Well I have one human friend, his name is Nick. Otherwise I don't know, people aren't really my thing.

Gregory: Fair enough.

After that little conversation, I quickly sprint past bots and hide behind a help desk to avoid Roxy. Once she passes, I slip into the arcade. I walk in and immediately already have to dodge three bots. I try to make careful moves towards the back to get to the office.

I tip toe behind Roxy and make it past a door that leads to the office. "Ha! I made it!" I cheer to myself and quickly take the badge. That was a mistake....




An alarm goes off and the doors lift up leaving me out in the open with killing machines heading my way. I turn my volume back on my fazwatch. "Freddy! Turn the alarm off, they're coming straight for me!" I yell with urgency. "Don't worry, I'm working on it now! Try to keep them out as best you can." I take in a deep breath and prepare for chaos.

I actually had this chapter in a draft all ready to publish but sadly it deleted and I had to rewrite it all over again.😭 I don't think I wrote it as good as I did in the draft but hopefully you enjoyed.

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