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My name is TiimeSpaace and this is my NEW BOOK "Head Space"


It's so great to write a book I actually likke and I'm convinced this will turn out WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the last one. 

Sidenote: This is technically my first actual book so feel free to criticize (don't be rude about it though) compliment it too and just general feedback.

I will try as I said, to make this book amazing but know that might not be up to the greatest standards so ball bear with me on this guys. I only know so much about writing.

Now a little about the universe this book is written in.

It is a DDLB story and I don't know of anyone by now who doesn't know what that meeeannss? So moving on.

Our main little(oop- ) is Trivoctonimer Klein Numan short form Octo and well I'm not gonna just go ahead and spoillll it for you all-

thats just plain rude.

There are Care Givers and they have LITTLES

There are  Masters and  they have PETS/SLAVES 

There are Dominants and they have SUBMISSIVES

If a little/pet is found alone and wandering, authorities will first check their pacifiers/collars for information about their guardian. The number will be on the back and it will be called. If someone picks up, they will be informed of their missing person and given 24hrs to come and pick them up from the station.

If no one picks the call, or there is no number at the back, the person will be taken up to the station and a request will be sent out for a new guardian for them.

Within 48hrs they will have been re-assigned and will be taken away.








If you are a Little whose big age is below 21, you are required to attend Pare Quentin Academy for The Extraordinary.

There you will learn to properly fit into your role and become an upstanding member of your society.

That's all I know for now. Idk.

Hope it's not too bad!!

Day Of Start

Thursday 26th May 2022




Readers: 2

Comments: 3

Votes: 2

Later TiimeSpaace

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