Chapter 23

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 12:40pm Bonding Hour 

              Little Rory and I made our way over to the snack table, him skipping ahead and me trying desperately not to attract any more attention. One or two Caregivers stopped to wave and make silly faces at him, but he refused to acknowledge them. Instead he would shriek, run behind me, and hide his face in my hair. 

All I could do was give a small nod on behalf of him, so we wouldn't both be seen as rude. Well, mostly me.

"Here we are..." I said lifelessly, easing Little Rory's clenched fists off my shoulder. He complied, only to latch onto my wrist immediately with an iron grip. His fingers dug into my skin making me gasp sharply.

I kind of glared at him, which he returned with a challenging look.

"Let go." I tried. He actually shook his head no. Alright then.

"Fine. Just grab something so we can go eat already." I almost begged. He had the cheek to drag me behind him as he walked to the mini sandwiches, but I didn't complain because I secretly wanted one too.

I put together a simple snack as best I could with only one hand. A chicken sandwich, a caramel wafer, and some apple slices. It was decent by my standards at least.

"Hmmm!" I heard Little Rory hum obnoxiously loud. I spun round, plate in hand. 

"What? What is it?" 

"Turrrrkey...or chicken sanditch?" he turned to me with a thoughtful hand tucked under his chin. I rolled my eyes, using my head to gesture at the former.

"Turkey." I suggested, trying to sound casual and not calculating but in the back of my mind I was thinking of the small chance of the turkey sandwich making him sleepy.

 He must've heard what I was thinking, because he pushed the turkey sandwich away and snatched up the chicken instead.

"Thisss one!" he giggled.  Darn it. I sighed and shook my head.

He smiled again and threw an arm over my shoulder in a sort of side hug, waving the sandwich dangerously close to my face.

"Lets siiiiit...over theeeere" he ordered, pointing at an unoccupied yellow bench with small red and white checkered placemats. It was placed between two other benches just like it which already had groups of people and wasn't too far from the snack table, so I figured we may as well blend in and eat our food there.

We awkwardly made our way over, stepping on each other's legs and nearly losing balance all because Little Rory didn't feel like letting go of me. I was so so scared that someone would spot us and try to help out, but eventually we made it. At which point he released me and took a seat.

I exhaled in relief, dropping my plate to rub my bruising arm. "You're so clingy." 

He  just beamed and got to work stuffing goldfish crackers in his mouth. I finally sat down as well, seeing as he most likely couldn't comprehend what I was saying. 

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