Chapter 21

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picture of Gilbert up there if you guys don't mind :)

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picture of Gilbert up there if you guys don't mind :)

DISCLAIMER: This is something I realize I should have put at the very first chapter, but by no means is this book an accurate description of Age Regression and what's it actually like to regress. This is just my limited understanding.

I mostly say this now, because this an arc where I'm going to be writing a lot more active regressions and I just want you guys to keep it in mind. Wish me luck!

As soon as those Caregivers walked in, my heart started beating so fast the air in the room started freezing against my skin. 

Gilbert looked excitedly at his roommate, a gleam in his eyes. "Demi! I wanna go say hi-hi!" his speech very obviously sounding more childish. Demi waved a dark finger at the Little.

"We have to wait for them to come to us, silly." he grinned and leaned back comfortably against the fluffy head of the teddy bear, pulling his book open again. "Trust me, with the show you're putting on, they definitely will."

My mouth fell open in shock, not for the first time that day. "They're coming to us? That feels weirdly reversed." In my head, it made more sense that the Little should be the one to choose their Caregiver and not the other way around. How in the world does that help anyone? 

"They're not choosing us, per se." Demi explained, absentmindedly winding up a mini racecar for Gilbert. "It's sort of like courting, in a way. Carers will bring toys and stuffies to entice a prospective Little, and if the feeling is reciprocated then the two can start an unofficial relationship where the Caregiver looks after the Little exclusively."

"Hm.." I mumbled, watching intently as the kids filed in and made themselves at home on the other side of the room. Unlike our side, that just had fluffy oversized zoo animals and bean bags, they had real wooden benches to sit on, low tables with snacks, cute bookshelves with toddler-grade 'Learn To Read' storybooks in them, cardboard boxes filled with all sorts of toys like action figures, dolls, stuffed animals, even the odd fidget spinner. As if that wasn't enough, an Arts and Crafts section took up a whole corner of the wide space.

Call me crazy, but if it was us Littles they were trying to please, this establishment wasn't doing a very good job.

"Once the last set of Littles get here, Bonding Hour can officially begin." Demi spoke up again. I nodded, resting my head on my pillow. 

I don't know how it's going to happen, but I hope the remaining Littles never get here. I thought to myself.

For the next few minutes, I found a way to ease my nerves by just absorbing the sounds around me. Gilbert's curious noises as he busied himself with a toy, the pages of Demi's book every time he flipped them, the overall din of students talking and laughing amongst themselves for whatever reason.

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