Chapter 18

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Thank you all so much for 5K!!! ^_^

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Thank you all so much for 5K!!! ^_^

"Hellooo" the boy at the door waved. Little Rory waved back.

I spied his grey vest. 'Shoot! He's a Master'

He looked older than us, around 16 or 17. He had rings in his ears and curly, sand colored hair. He was smiling, yes, but it only felt like he was doing it out of pity for us. 

Must be those Master genes.

He watched us all carefully with his piercing green eyes. Now we were truly in for it.  How could they already be done with class? They say time flies when you're having fun but I wasn't even having fun!

"I'm Archie." he finally said.

"Hi, Archie." Cecile greeted dumbly. The older boy smiled politely at her.

"Alright!" he clapped his hands together and stepped into the room. "I'm assuming you're all Littles? What a treat!"

This was suprising but not uncommon. Most Masters have been known to go head over heels at the sight of Littles. Something about the fact that pets aren't as cute, plus their image of us isn't ruined by all the screaming and crying we tend to do.

Archie's eyes landed on Little Rory, who had forgotten about the massive dog and was now curiously staring up at him.

"Aww, what's his name?" Archie asked me, crouching to his height.

"Rory." I answered shortly.

He nodded and reached out to take his hand. The younger boy squeezed his hand back like his life depended on it.

Then Archie stood up and led Rory to stand beside him, ruffling his hair gently.

"So, what brings you happy few to the Master's Wing." he said looking around. I noticed Cecile had a lock of her pink and blonde hair in her mouth and was chomping on it hard. She looked at me with wide, panicky eyes.

I really hope that's just a nervous habit and doesn't mean she's regressed.

"Oh, we came to see our friends..sir." I explained, realizing that Fareeda wasn't going to speak up at all either.

"That's nice, why are you here then?" he prodded with a tone that scared me a little. I avoided eye contact nervously.

"Well, classes hadn't ended yet, so Rory suggest we come see the dogs." How was it any fair that the main culprit in all this wasn't being interrogated as well. No, he just nuzzled into Archie's side cutely.

Little Littles can still answer to authority can't they! Rubbish.

"Sorry, but you're not allowed down here." Archie continued. He stepped aside and gestured to the hallway "So, please file out quietly. "

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