Chapter 24

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Did she just ask for  "My Little Age?" 

"Yeah, like how old are when you regress?" Reese explained.

Oh ok.


So maybe let's not panic. This doesn't immediately mean she knows my secret, we just met. In reality it would be stupid easy to just make something up, it doesn't have to be such a big thing. With any luck she might not bring it up again. But that's all riding on my ability to finesse this one thing. Now which age would make sense? 

I couldn't feign ignorance, because any Little has at least an idea of their age range, mostly from witness accounts of people who exist in the vicinity of their regressed state, and at the same time my answer couldn't be too straightforward either because Little Age is less a number and more a spectrum. My answer needed to be vague.

I glanced at Reese out of the corner of my eye. She seemed patient enough but I knew the longer I took the more suspicious she became of me. I had to say something now.

"Um people tell me I'm on the older side." I replied. 

This was a useful answer for a number of reasons. For example, in the event that I had to fake a regression, I wouldn't need to completely give up my integrity and act like a baby. Mild intelligence would be just right for someone in my age range.

"Wow!" she exclaimed. "You're a big guy, huh?"

I shrugged and gave a little smile, not sure how to react.

"This is great! So I'm guessing you can do a bit of problem solving and speak full sentences? And maybe even some basic math and logical reasoning?" she pressed.

"...Correct." I said nervously. She clapped her hands.

"Sorry if I'm being a bit obsessive. I've talked to a lot of Littles today and you're the first one that's this advanced. I hope I can meet Little Octo one day!"

I nodded slightly, a feeling  of anxiety settling in my chest at her praise. Should I have made such a high claim?

Reese eventually said goodbye and left, explaining she had to see some friends. Once she was fully across the room, I finally let myself breath and slumped over the table.

I had royally screwed up that conversation. Big time. No doubt about it, the Caregivers would be keeping an eye out for me now. They'd all be so excited to meet my practically non-existent Little self.

If only I had a time machine, I could go back and tell her I was actually an extremely dumb Little that couldn't even keep his head up off the floor and sucked his elbows instead of his thumbs. No one would think I was hot stuff then!

Just as my train of thought began morphing into a trainwreck I felt a tug on my trousers. Oh yeah, I almost forgot Little Rory had bolted under there.

"down heeeerre..." he whispered. I lifted the tablecloth and peeked under. He had the hood of his shirt pulled on almost half of his face, and his knees up to his chest. "is sheeee not heeere anymore?"

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