Chapter 11

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"Mom, when will it be our turn?" I asked for the 10th time since we'd got here. 

"Have a little patience would you? And as I've said before, your Number 021. Just look out for it, okay?" she rubbed my head. I sighed and settled further into my chair. 

The waiting room was rather large. Seats on one side, about four in each row. Long winding halls to my right and the front entrance on my left. The room was relatively calm, as calm as a library would be.

5 tables with 5 people sitting at them were at the front of the room. At regular intervals, one of them would call out a name and number and said person would go to the table. I think it was forms they were filling.

Philo leaned into my side and stated dryly "This is all incredibly boring." I shrugged and folded my arms to avoid the cold.

"Can't help feeling nervous though." I admitted. She hummed in agreement and leaned back into her seat.

"Number 018, Rory Thompson. Number 019, Leah Thompson. Number 020, Henry Thompson. Please come for registry." I monotone voice came from one of the tables. 

I glanced round, and spotted three children and a man, plodding towards the table. I looked at the other tables. If the last number they'd called was 020, then surely I was next.

I sat up straighter and stared hard. The discomfort rising in my stomach, almost making me feel sick. Actually more like just a bad stomach-ache.

And hey. What were those other people doing that was taking forever?  Would my registration take that long? 

"I think those are triplets. Yeah those are triplets." Philo rambled next to me. I couldn't care less who they were. Well...only if they were wrapping up soon and i'd be next. Which in that case I'm very interested then.

"Dad and Tuck should have been here. Like, this should have been a family thing." Philo continued. I turned slightly. "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean. You're leaving for 4 years. Kinda feels weird that they aren't here to send you off." she got quiet, then smirked. "I know Dad's your favorite."

Suddenly I got very defensive. "Ok? Random." I scoffed and turned away. "You're 9, so just remember that." I added after.

"Oh just come out and say it alr-" she was cut off by the voice of someone from a table. 

"Number 021, Trivoctonimer Numan. Please come for registry." I cringed really hard when she said my name. I cant help it, it just feels weird to hear someone say it, y'know. 

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