Chapter 12

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Unna playfully swung our hands forward and back. She's awfully bubbly. I can't help but wonder if she gets paid more depending on how cheerful she is at all times. 

"Now first up on our tour are these stairs." the children giggled quietly. "Sorry there's not much to see here on the first floor."

"Race you to the second floor!" some kid screamed and everyone started running. I, in my bid to not come last, might have shoved a few small children. Still didn't come first though.

"That was fun! Great idea, Darcy!" Unna gave her a high five and went on with the tour.

"Ah ha! Over here, is Ms. Pubbi's office. She's the head janitor. Let's go in and say hello, shall we?" we came up to the door, and Unna knocked on it. After a short while someone's voice came through the door.

"It's open." Unna carefully pushed the door open to reveal a quaint, tidy office. There were cleaning supplies in neat organized sections, a couple paintings on the walls and Ms. Pubbi sitting at her desk with some books.

She smiled and beckoned to us. "Hi dears. Are these kids new too?" she asked Unna, who nodded.

"Welcome to Quentin's. Well more specifically, welcome to my office." she smiled. A girl raised her hand. "Yes?"

"Can we look at the cleaning stuff?" she said. Ms Pubbi laughed and replied "Go ahead."

There wasn't much to look at anyways. Though, I found a container with a  label that read 'CONTAINS DANGEROUS CHEMICALS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN' I don't think Ms Pubbi is doing a particularly good job at that. 

After her we moved on to the storeroom. The store man was sort of strict, but he still let us ogle at some the uniforms on display. There was a wide variety of colorful outfits, each one for a different type of student. 

The white and neon green checkered uniforms where for us Littles, the baby blue collared shirts were for Caregivers, the pale grey collared shirts were for Masters (cool!) and the white and grey checkered uniforms were for the...Pets!?

"Wait a second. There's Pets in this school?" I exclaimed. In no way did I try to mask the disgust I had for Pets or Pests as I fondly call them.

"Of course. M'Figgins vision for the future is to be able to house as many different people of the Extraordinary as possible." Unna answered me. Though the store man, Mr. Mahl,  gave me a curious look.

"What is it? Have you never met a Pet before?" I recoiled at his words and shook my head.

"Oh trust me, I've met enough. That's not it..." He hadn't looked away from me yet and I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Just then Unna said goodbye to him and led us out of the room.

We finished the second floor, then the third where we met another group of Littles. Unna stopped for a moment to chat with their tour guide and we stood there quietly.

Then I heard a whisper. I shrugged it off and didn't make a move to investigate it. Then I heard it again. This time I could almost make out a word. I glanced around unsurely. When my gaze swept over the other group, someone waved at me and caught my attention.

"Octo! Hello!" I looked a little closer and realized who it was. Cecile.

I grinned and gave her a small wave. "Hi, Cecile" I whispered back. I was sorta relieved to see a familiar face. She pointed at our guide and mouthed "What's her name?"

I replied "Unna." she nodded and spoke up as well, pointing to her guide. "This is Fredrick. He HATES me!" I smiled at her exaggerated expression.

"How come?" I asked. 

She opened her mouth to reply, presumably, but stopped. "It's a long story." she sighed. "Anyways! I'm really happy to see you, again. You left orientation super early and we didn't get to talk more. I also don't have many friends my age, so I'm really..." she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "...hehe y'know."

I gave her a questioning look and gently pulled my hand from her grip. "O-k. Also how old are your friends then? 40? 2?"

Her smile faltered, then it disappeared completely. She stared at me blankly. "Octo. I have no friends." She scoffed and folded her arms. "You're kinda slow."

I beamed at that. Cecile and I were gonna get along just fine. "Hey, you're pretty chill when you're not little. No offense."

She shrugged her shoulders. "That's good to hear. You, are also very cool."

"You're actually supposed to say None Tak-"

"Come on guys! We're headin' off." announced Frederick. Cecile pulled my hand and gave me a high five.

"See you later Octo! I hope we're roommates." she waved as our groups parted. Too bad I requested for no roommates. Although, she might have been nice.

We kept on, Unna pointing out random locations. I tuned out and just stared on dully. How long till I get to see Mom and Philo again? No one mentioned. Anyways I hope its soon.

We turned another corner and climbed up some more stairs. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun round to see who it was. It was one of the Thompson triplets but I didn't remember which one so I just said "Hi."

He slightly smiled and replied. "Hi. Do you...recognize me?" 

I shrugged "You're one of those triplets. Though I can't tell if you're Henry or Rory. Or even Leah." His smile grew.

"I'm Rory. You must be Mr. Tri...victernom? Sorry I can't really pronounce it."

"It's Trivoctonimer. But you can just call me Octo."

"Right, Octo. It's nice to meet you." 

"And it's nice to meet you too, Rory."

He nodded his head, but didn't say anything more so I dropped the conversation. 

--- --- --- --- --- ---

I know it's kind of a weird place to end the chapter but I had to. Anyways are you guys liking the story so far? What do you think of Unna? Tell me in the comments

Also, unfortunately I have lots of important exams in the next three months or so. That means updates will not be consistent. During that time I'll most likely just post a chapter as soon as I'm finished with it and not bother waiting for Saturdays.

I'll still be able to post next week though, and I still really want to write this story so as soon as these exams are over I'll be back in full force I promise.

Just try to bear with me guys. I know this book just started and It's already on hiatus. 

Welcome new readers! Hope you stick around till the end.

Comment, comment, comment

See you all next Saturday! :)


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