Chapter 19

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     Now  that I knew Dad would be visiting on Saturday, I faced the new day with renewed vigor. I only had to make it through this week and I'd get to see him. I couldn't wait to show him all my friends and my room and everything.

And, knowing my Dad, he would be completely fascinated by just about everything. He always is. I'm also glad he's the one coming, seeing as he couldn't be here on my first day. I know that must have really bummed him out.

This and more I explained to Rory and Sid today at breakfast. We all sat at a long table, one caregiver for each pair of Littles. I wasn't a pair since I had no roommate, so Jerry, the caregiver assigned to me during meals just placed a bowl of crackers n' yogurt in front of me and left to chat with some guys.

"So your Dad's cool, then?" Sid asked between mouthfuls of cereal. I'd gotten to know Sid over the last week. He's  a really curious fellow, doesn't let things slide easily, and a real pain in the ass to argue with. The best way I could sum up his physical features was he looked exactly like the little boy from the movie 'My Girl!'. Really, look it up it's a perfect description.

"More chill than cool, I think. He can be embarrassing to be around, but let's just say, if he caught me up past my bedtime, I wouldn't panic."

Rory snorted "My Mom's like that. Real silly but will absolutely keep your secrets. So, what are you guys gonna do when he comes?"

"I don't honestly know. Maybe walk him around campus a couple times." I shrugged, stuffing some crackers in my mouth as I felt Jerry's eyes on me.

"You know, there's some woods behind the Academy. Good for picnics. There's even some ducks you can feed." Sid suggested. I shot down that idea at once.

"Nope. I have a severe pollen allergy. If I so much as see a flower I start reacting. It's bad bad."

Sid hummed and the conversation died. We all went back to our breakfast. Soon, a few of the younger Caregivers at the table started talking amongst themselves in a very animated way. It wasn't to hard to listen in on what they were saying, since it was pretty quiet.

"Bonding Hour today, oh my gosh!" a boy squealed. "Girls, what about you?"

"Right, yeah. I might not show if I'm being honest. Like, I swear I like the Littles, but they give me migraines." another girl responded. 

The first boy scoffed "Unpopular opinion; that makes you an arse of a Caregiver."

"Whatever. They're just so noisy, I can't keep my head straight! Zeena, please tell me you're not coming for Bonding Hour."

The Zeena in question delayed her reply by several seconds. "....I probably will. Luke said he'd be there. And anyways it's not just Caregivers at this table so, be careful what you say." she spoke in a slow, mature voice, referring to the girl's complaints.

"Forgot you'd only show if he would." the boy rolled his eyes.

The other girl sighed "Right, then. If you're coming, guess I will too. Settled." they moved on to discuss other matters.

Hearing this, I looked at Rory, who was already giving me a shocked look. His jaw hanging open, eyes wide and eyebrows up to the sky, a forkful of scrambled eggs clattered onto his plate.

"What in the world is Bonding Hour!?" 


"Bonding Hour is a time for new Caregivers and Littles to be in one place and get to know each other a bit better. We only have about seven of them, five if you just count the ones that happen on term time." Jojo, the Literature teacher, helpfully explained.

"Oooh. Is it compulsory, though? Do I have to come?" I asked.

"Of course, everyone goes for Bonding Hour." They said in a matter-of-fact way. "What makes you special?"

I pursed my lips and shrugged weakly, not really having an answer to that besides that I just didn't want to come, period.

"Ok." They dismissed me with a wave of their hand. "Back to your desk, please."

I did so with quickness, knowing Jojo's patience with me was wearing thin. Something I noticed about them was that they seemed very short tempered, their face quick to turn to a scowl if you somehow said or did the wrong thing.

I settled into my seat and pretended to look into the Famous Five book we were supposed to be reading. Really my mind was working overtime to figure out a way to not show up for Bonding Hour.

Why didn't I want to go? Well, I just couldn't handle the stress of not being able to regress in front of so many Littles and Caregivers. In fact, I would even argue it would have been easier to explain to people that I was 'just shy', rather than, y'know, the real reason I couldn't.

Something I'm not even sure I've told you guys yet. Oh well, in time.  

I mean, so far nobody's called me out on it, though I'm pretty sure people have started to suspect. Rory, Cecile and Fareeda have all sort of regressed at some point in the few weeks we've been here, same as every other Little.

I'm not panicking yet, because I don't think they keep a record of it, but in a setting like during Bonding Hour someone's bound to raise suspicion.

I absent-mindedly cracked my knuckles in attempt to keep calm and carry on. Maybe I'd just try to hide behind everyone else until the dreadful hour is over.

"Class dismissed!" Jojo called out. Desks and chairs scraped the floor as everyone hurried out of the room.

My plan would just have to work. 


I didn't forget you guys don't worry! These chapters just take a while to come out unfortunately. Anyways hope you guys liked it.

Try to leave a comment, they mostly encourage me.

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