The bully and the cutie

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Cuphead wondered around the halls. He watched as everyone stuck to the wall as he passed with a few of the friends he had beside him. He made sure everyone would fear him, including the teachers. He gave evil grins towards anyone who got too close which caused them to quickly scurry away. He heard a few of the girls whispering about something. He was interested to hear so he hit his friend in the chest to get them to stop moving. "Hey. Listen. Looks like their talking about my next victim." Cuphead said as he listened in.
"I hear he's really cute. He's super nice as well. He's also really short. I think he might be trans because he looks so feminine. I'm still really wanting to meet him! I really want to get to know him since he's so cute!" The short girl said.
Definitely sounds like my next victim. Cuphead thought with a grin. He had his back towards the girl and was making a fist gesture towards his friends to show them he was ready to teach this new kid to fear him and stay away from him.
"Oh but I also hear he's a Demon." Said the other girl.
Now that caught Cuphead's attention. Causing him to give a slight growl. The girls turned around and looked at him. They squeaked with fear before bolting down the hall. Cuphead gritted his teeth. Oh yeah. Definitely my next victim. I'm not afraid of no demon. He's going to be afraid of me. Cuphead thought as he nodded towards his friends. They just walked down the hall to the cafeteria to steal someone's breakfast. They chose a group of three little pipsqueaks who had pancakes and bacon as their breakfast. They walked down and sat at a table. Cuphead took his first bite before noticing everyone getting up and running towards the windows and doors.
"He's here!" Someone shouted. There was lots of people shouting different things. "Did you hear about his brother?" "He's going to look so cute!" "Do you think he's going to join the jocks? I would love to see him with the jocks!" "Do you think he's a nerd?" "I bet he's smart!" "I heard he's a Demon! Do you think he's hot?" "I think he's hot!" "Look! The bus is coming to drop him off!" "He's walking off the bus!" "Is he wearing a dress or a long shirt?" "He's so short! He's adorable!" "I want to hug him!" "Are we sure he's a male? He looks like a girl!" "I hope I have class with him!"
All this gaggling began to annoy Cuphead. He slammed his hands on the table and finally shouted at the group of students right beside the windows. "Okay that's enough! Now everyone shut up and stop gaggling about this stupid demon! You all are annoying me and there's nothing stopping me from beating you all until your flesh and bones!"
This caused everyone to quickly scurry away from the cafeteria and run outside as they all cooed over the small demon. Cuphead pushed himself away from the table as his friends looked at each other like they were confused why he was so angry. He walked up to the window and saw what looked to be a fully painted black school bus with some of the black paint dripping from it. Stupid show off trying to impress everyone. Still pretty cool that he got on a black bus. Cuphead thought as he kept staring out the window, waiting. Finally the doors opened and out stepped what seemed to be the world's smallest demon. Cuphead wondered how all the students were able to see past the darkened windows until he remembered most of them were wearing glasses. Nerds. He thought. He cracked his knuckles as he stared at the small demon, fueled by anger just looking at his curvy body and what seemed to be a blue dress. Ha! So he does wear dresses! That's hilarious! Good to know. Good to know.. He thought as he grinned. He stared at the demon noticing how feminine he actually looked. Well he definitely looks like a girl, seems those nerds were right about something. Cuphead gestured to his friends to follow him. He pushed past the many groups of students to get a good look at this little demon when he heard someone shout.
"Bendy! Over here! It's me!" Shouted a voice before a cat ran out of the crowd and to the little demon. Cuphead could recognize this cat anywhere. It was Felix. He stared as Felix ran up to the demon and gave him a hug. Cuphead was barely listening to what Felix shouted as he ran since seeing them get so close made Cuphead become even more fueled with rage. Why am I so angry? They're clearly old friends. Why would I care about that? This is something I should use to tease him or bully him or something! Why do I feel so.. Jealous!? Cuphead wondered as he walked towards the two of them. Causing everyone to squeak in fear and back away from him. He put his hand up to his friends to tell them to stay. He wanted to do this himself. I don't care if this is your old friend or an old crush or old boyfriend Felix. That demon, is mine. And I'm going to get to him one way or another. He thought as he finally reached the two still hugging. He was much taller then the two and easily towered over them. Cuphead notice Felix get a scared look in his eyes and it amused him. He looked at the little demon, who only looked confused why Felix looked so scared and why Cuphead had walked up to him. I see he hasn't learned anything about me or who runs this school. Well don't worry little demon. You're about to know everything. He thought with a grin.
"Bendy come on let's go!" Felix cried as he tried to pull his little demon away.
Cuphead noticed the little demon had a tail and before he could get away. He stomped on the demons tail causing him to fall and yelped in pain.
"Yowch!" The little demon cried as Cuphead could see tears forming in his eyes.
"Awwe you going to cry? Huh? Huh? You going to cry?" Cuphead said as he grabbed the demon by the collar of his dress? Pulling him up so he could whisper in his ear. "You don't know who runs this school or who to fear. But you will now." He whispered in the demon's ear before throwing him onto rocks and kicking him on the stomach.
"Bendy!" Felix cried and tried to run towards Cuphead. Unfortunately Cuphead waved his hand and his friends grabbed Felix and made him watch as Cuphead kicked the little demon in the head.
The little demon began to cry as he curled up in pain. This was when Cuphead finally stopped. He looked at the groups of terrified students. It made him feel empowered, he avoided looking at the hurting demon. He walked away and with his friends slowly in tow as they dropped Felix.
"Bendy!" Felix shouted as Cuphead went through the crowd and back into his school. He knew he got his message through. One way or another. I always get what I want. Including little demons. Cuphead thought.

Author notes~
Wow! This was actually kind of fun to write! I come up with some crazy stuff so.. Please be warned! This can get intense! This was so interesting to me. There are a lot of stories I've read and I decided to try something different from Wings of Fire. I just wanted to try something different. Of course I'll always try different things every now and again. Including games, stories, fandoms, ect. You know. Anyways if you have read this far you are amazing and I appreciate all you lovely readers! (I know there probably isn't many but I still want to spread smiles!) Wow! 1242 words in my first Cuphead x Bendy story made! I hope people like it!

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