A new day begins

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Bendy woke up the very early the next morning. He felt very well rested and relaxed. He sat on the bed at the corner, he turned to Cuphead and just stared at him. He just filled Bendy with happiness and pleasure yesterday and the effect was still with him even in the morning. Cuphead, I didn't know you loved me that much. I'm still nervous for today. However, with you by my side, I think I'll be okay. I wonder how Felix would react to this though. Bendy thought as he got up. He walked over to the door, about to open it when he heard the bed creek behind him, he turned his head and saw Cuphead getting up, stretching, Bendy blushed, seeing his nice muscles.
"Morning Bendy." Cuphead said when he finally opened his eyes, causing Bendy to lightly jump. "Something wrong?" Cuphead said as he sat on the side of his bed.
"No, just not really used to hearing anyone talk the first thing in the morning. I'm more used to quiet mornings." Bendy said rubbing the back of his head.
"Well, I'm pretty sure you're going to need these." Cuphead held out Bendy's clothes towards him.
Bendy blushed. Yeah, that was stupid of me. I'm obviously going to need clothes for school. Bendy thought as he walked over and reached for his clothes. Cuphead quickly wrapped his arms around Bendy and held him close. Bendy blushed as he felt Cuphead begin to pet him. This felt very nice and Bendy felt an uncontrollable vibration going down his neck. Oh shoot. Bendy thought as he looked at Cuphead who was blushing, Bendy looked away and Cuphead began to scratch him. Bendy felt the vibrations but stronger this time. He couldn't help himself, he was purring. Cuphead kept scratching him, it kept his purring loud and strong.
"C-Cuphead we need to get dressed and ready for school." Bendy stuttered, trying not to let his purring stops him from talking or getting ready. "W-We need to go soon." He said.
Cuphead let off a small grunt as he held Bendy even tighter, causing the small demon to blush hard. Scratching even more, Cuphead reached a place that made Bendy flinch then purr. Cuphead blushed then finally put Bendy down. "Alright, but I'm continuing scratching you tonight, now you should get ready now." Cuphead said before placing Bendy's clothes in his arms.
Bendy opened his mouth to speak but Cuphead was already getting up. Bendy blushed, looking away to give him some privacy before running off and looking for the bathroom. He found it down the hall and went in, he changed his clothes.
He walked out with a light blush on his face, Cuphead was standing there waiting for him. Cuphead put his hand out so Bendy slowly put his hand in Cuphead's. The two slowly walked downstairs then out the door. Bendy watched as Cuphead used his free hand to pull the keys out of his pocket and lock the door. The two began their walk to school.
After their long walk and just talking for bits here and there, the two were finally in front of their school, still holding hands. They walked inside and almost everyone stared at them, this was making Bendy nervous and without realizing he squeezed Cuphead's hand. He curled his tail close to his body and let off a small nervous whimper. He looked up at Cuphead who was glaring at everyone, making them scared again.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Cuphead growled at the students staring. Bendy watched them scurry away.
"Bendy!" Shouted a voice, Bendy knew who it was, it was Felix. Bendy turned towards the voice, on his right, he saw Felix run up to him before hugging him. "Don't you ever scare me like that again Bendy! You never run off of campus! You scared me half to death! I'm sorry about Boris! I'm here if you ever want to talk." Those last words made Bendy's heart drop. He put his finger below his front teeth and bit down, trying to keep himself from crying.
"Felix maybe this isn't the best time to bring that up." Cuphead said as he slowly picked up Bendy. Bendy snuggled into his chest before crying. "He's still in mourning. We both are." Cuphead said before letting Bendy, causing those vibrations to return. Bendy saw Cuphead blush, he blushed as well.
"O-Oh, I understand, sorry about that. I.. I guess I'll be off to class now!" Felix said nervously before running off.
Bendy lightly sighed before snuggling into Cuphead's chest again. He was doing his best not to cry. He felt a soft gentle hand wrap around his own.
"It's okay. I'm here." Cuphead said before giving Bendy a lift kiss on the head. "Do you want to do to class? Or we could skip. Or.." Cuphead was going on before his voice trailed off.
"I'd really rather go to class then skip if that's okay with you." Bendy said before gently squeezing Cuphead's hand.
"Alright. Let's go. Oh. It looks like we don't have the same class. Yours is right beside mine. Let's go and we can meet up after class." Cuphead said before walking off to their classes. Bendy went into his, and so did Cuphead.
Without even realizing what happened, there was nothing going on either way. Bendy fell asleep.
The bell rang which jolted Bendy awake. He lightly panted from the sudden awakening. He got up and rubbed his eyes. He looked around and saw almost half of the class had bolted as soon as the bell rang.
I guess some students think all classes are going to be free classes. A little strange but understandable. I hope I don't get shoved if I ever try to leave as soon as the bell rings. Oh goodness! I was supposed to meet up with Cuphead! Bendy thought as he left the classroom and knocked on the door nextdoor. The teacher opened the door and Bendy lightly gulped. His social anxiety was just now kicking in.
"Yes? What do you want?" The teacher said a big rudely.
Bendy lightly jumped before speaking. "S-Sorry, I'm just looking for Cuphead? Is he still here?" Bendy asked as politely as he could.
"No, he left for the bathroom during the last five minutes. He hasn't come back. Here." The teacher shoved Cuphead's backpack into Bendy's arms. "Tell that dickhead not to leave his stuff next time." Was the last thing she said before slamming the door in his face. Bendy lightly whimpered before walking off. He slowly walked into the bathroom.
"Bendy?" Said Cuphead's voice. Causing Bendy to jump and look around. "I'm in the stall. I just see your little feet."
"If you don't mind me asking.. What are you doing?" Bendy asked, trying not to be too loud.
"It's.. A little embarrassing." Cuphead said.
"You can tell me. You know I don't judge." Bendy said lightly tilting his head. His curiosity was spiking now.
"Alright." Cuphead said before slowly opening the door.
Bendy had a giant blush over his face as he looked at Cuphead before holding up his stuff. "Here you g-go by the way."
"Oh, heh, thanks." Cuphead took his stuff and slowly placed it on the floor beside him. He was a blushing mess.
"Cuphead.." Bendy started. "Can I help?"

Cute Bendy x Bully CupheadWhere stories live. Discover now