Saving the demon

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Cuphead slowly walked towards Bendy and Felix as his friends were just doing their best to torment them.
I could care less for Felix the Pussy but that demon. Bendy the dancing demon. Is mine to take care of. No one's going to touch him except me. I'll make sure of that. He thought as he cleared his throat. Watching his friends back away. "This demon and his little pussy are mine to take care of. Only I'll be the one to hurt them. No one else." Cuphead said sternly as he walked up to Felix and Bendy.
Bendy covered behind Felix and whimpered once more. S-So cute.. Cuphead stop thinking like that! He's not cute! Well.. He is but that's not enough to catch your attention. He thought as he grabbed Felix by the collar of his shirt and Bendy by his ankle. Slowly dragging them into the hallway as the two exchanged worried glances. He kicked the door open and dragged them into the hall. He waited until the door closed before throwing them both against the lockers. "You both are serious idiots." Cuphead said shaking his head.
Felix hissed and jumped in front of Bendy with his claws out. He kept them aimed at Cuphead's legs. "I'm not going to hurt you Pussy cat. It seems my friends already punished you enough."
"Then why drag us here and throw us against the lockers if your not even going to beat us?" Felix said slowly putting his claws down.
Wow, you're as gullible as you look. But not now, we'll finish later. Cuphead thought as he looked at Bendy, who was just staring at him with a light blush. He's wanting an answer too. What am I supposed to tell him? Or Felix? I just dragged you here to get you away from my friends? But I didn't, or did I? I just followed my instincts to get Bendy out of there. But why did I even do it? Cuphead questioned himself as he just stared at the two back.
"Well!?" Felix finally snapped, hissing again, swiping his claws towards Cuphead.
"You really are a pussy. Like I said I dragged you here because I'm the one who will be taking care of that demon. Not you, not my friends, not anyone, me and only me." Cuphead said as he kicked Felix in the arm.
Felix held his arm on pain and hissed. "Over my dead body, Bendy is my friend and I'll defend him through thick and thin!" Felix said at Cuphead.
Cuphead rolled his eyes and sighed. "Whatever you say Pussycat." Cuphead said while rubbing his eyes. Why does he have to hang around such an idiot? Then again, he can't hang around with me. Cuphead thought as he lifted his head and just stared at Felix before waving his hand dismissively. "You two are free to run off, just tell them I didn't kick your asses as hard or something." He said.
"Fine by me. Come on Bendy." Felix looked behind him only to realize.. Bendy wasn't there. "Bendy!? Bendy!" He called as he looked around. He began to call down the hallway. "BENDY! Bendy! BENDY! Bendy!" Felix called as he went down the hallway.
Where in the hell did that Demon go? He was right beside Felix barely a minute ago. Cuphead thought as he went down the opposite hallway then Felix. He didn't even hear the demon move or anything. He couldn't have gone far if he was making an effort to be quiet. "BENDY! COME OUT RIGHT NOW!" Cuphead called as he turned to the right of the hallway. Something caught his eye. There was a dent in one of the lockers and written on it, in what seemed like gushy black ink, 'Bendy the Crying Demon Bitch.'
Cuphead gently pressed his finger against the ink. He pulled his finger away and it was all mushy and sticky. This is fresh. What's this red stuff? Cuphead thought as he rubbed it again. He realized what it wasn't just any red stuff. It was blood. Something in Cuphead's chest just dropped. He lightly gulped. He looked around for any thing else he could find. There was nothing left to lead a trail or anything. No dents. No ink. No blood. Nothing. This started to make Cuphead a little worried.
What happened here? Why is there blood and ink? What's with the dents? Did Bendy get in a fight or something? Did he get injured or is he hiding something? Whatever it is, it's very stupid, blood and ink, only one glob? Not even a trail? How am I supposed to work off of this? Cuphead thought frustratedly. He growled as he walked more slowly around the hall so he could be more aware of his surroundings. He couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. This was beginning to frustrate him. "BENDY!" Cuphead yelled again.
He heard a weird muffle sound and whimpers.
"Bendy? Is that you? Bendy! Answer me!" Cuphead said as he stopped in place and listened around more. He couldn't hear anything anymore.
Shit shit shit! Where did that sound come from!? What if he's hurt!? Maybe he knows where the blood came from! Where the fuck is he!? Should I get Felix!? Should I go in alone!? What if I go get my friends!? What the fuck do I do!? Cuphead felt confused and worried. His heart felt torn as he tried to listen again. There was another whimper. Cuphead looked towards a door and stared at it. "Bendy?" He said a bit more softly as he slowly approached the door and knocked on it.
"Shut up! Stupid demon! He might hear us!" Said a familiar voice. "Why don't you stop being a trashy raccoon and just knock him out already!?" Cuphead felt his heart drop.
Cuphead couldn't tell for sure but it sounded like metal hitting something hard. Cuphead heard another whimper which made him feel slightly better.
"Hit him again! He's not knocked out!" Said the familiar voice again.
"But there's already blood coming out of his hear and his nose." Said Cuphead's raccoon friend.
"STOP!" Cuphead shouted as he kicked the door down. He couldn't believe what he saw..

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