The demon and the cat

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(Swear warning from this point)
Bendy could never understand why he was hated so much wherever he went. I thought my dad put in a good word about me around the school. I don't want a fight. Why am I always so hated? Bendy wondered as he remained curled up. He was lightly crying as he was in a lot of pain. He felt soft arms wrap around him and he knew it was Felix. "W-Why am I always so hated?" He asked Felix as he looked up at him. Bendy blushed hard as he noticed the crowd gathering around him and just constantly questioning him.
"Are you okay?" "How hurt are you?" "Do you need to nurse?" "Stay away from Cuphead." "Do you need a hug?" "I can help you to the nurse." "I can help you to class?"
"Okay everyone, I'll take care of Bendy while you all get to class. Thank you for your concern but Bendy will be alright." Felix said to the crowd as he picked up Bendy and held him close. Felix shooed everyone away before walking to a tree to talk to Bendy one on one. "Are you sure you're okay? I can get the nurse, or bring you to the nurse." Felix offered.
"N-No I'm okay, thank you Felix. I'd really just rather get to class and stay there until lunch." Bendy said as he held the tip of his tail. The rest of his poor tail was all swollen and he was unable to touch it without pain. Bendy gently grabbed Felix's hand as they walked to Bendy's first class. His first class was art. Bendy enjoyed doing silly goofy drawings so he was slightly excited for it. His excitement quickly faded when they arrived and Felix let his hand go.
"Well, here we are! Bye Bendy, I'll come get you after class." Felix said as he began to walk down the hall.
"W-Wait you aren't going inside with me?" Bendy asked, his voice trembling.
"I don't have art class Bendy, I would be kicked out right away, I'm sorry but I can't stay with you, I have culinary class. I'm sure Cuphead doesn't have art class. What would be the chances of that? Both of you having the same class? That would be an unlucky coincidence but there's no chance that could happen. I'll be just down the hall in the culinary class so just come in if you need me, good luck." Felix said before rubbing bendy between the horns. He finally walked away. Feeling nervous leaving poor Bendy alone.
Bendy felt incredibly nervous. He gently picked up his backpack (that was carried there by Felix) and dug through it until he found a book to hide his face behind. He gently and nervously knocked on the door. He was greeted by a tall and very friendly teacher that just couldn't stop smiling as she saw him.
"Come in! Come in!" The teacher gestured Bendy to come inside as she stepped to the side to welcome him in.
Bendy felt a little more confident as he threw his backpack on his back and walked inside.
"Don't be shy little guy! Come up here and introduce yourself to the class!" The nice teacher said and pointed to a spot in the middle of the class.
Bendy noticed that all the desks and chairs were pushed into a circle. Bendy guessed it was a greeting circle. He slowly walked in the middle and he couldn't believe his eyes, glaring at him, just staring at his injuries, was Cuphead. Bendy gulped as he quickly turned away, lifting the book higher to cover his face.
"Well don't be so shy! Introduce yourself! Everyone has been very excited to meet you!" The friendly teacher said with the sweetest smile Bendy had ever seen.
"I-I'm Bendy! B-Bendy the dancing demon! S-Some of you my know me because o-of my uncle-in-law. The devil. M-My dad was here a week before sch-school so I wouldn't be so nervous when I came h-here! Y-You all can s-see how that e-ended out." Bendy said stuttering. Everyone lightly giggled which made him smile. "I-I am looking f-forward to the school year a-and I guess j-just looking to b-build up a n-nice reputation." Bendy blushed as everyone smiled at him. He was the center of attention and it made him even more nervous.
"You were marvelous Bendy! Does anyone want to ask him any questions? Keep it nice please!" The teacher said as her eyes went around the circle of students around Bendy. "Oswald! Why don't you ask Bendy you're question?"
Bendy turned around to see a fluffy bunny wearing a light royal blue sweater unzipped with his hand up. The bunny spoke. "What made you want to join this school?"
"O-Oh well. I mainly did it for my brother. H-He is in love with this high sch-school and so I joined here to tell him what this school would be like." Bendy said lightly blushing.
"That's so sweet of you Bendy! Okay who else has questions for our new little demon friend?" The teacher asked sweetly. Her eyes went to Cuphead. She sighed. "Cuphead? You have a question?" She sounded a little nervous herself.
"Yeah!" Cuphead said before getting up and grabbing Bendy by the horn and turning him around. "Why are you such a short little bitch?" He said before pushing Bendy back by his horn.
Bendy used the tip of his tail to keep himself from losing balance and he looked at Cuphead trying to just cower behind the book. "I-I uh!" Bendy stuttered, not wanting to answer his question purely out of fear.
"Are you going to answer me or am I going to have to beat it out?" Cuphead said gritting his teeth.
Bendy flinched and looked at the teacher, who was waving behind her back. She wants me to hide behind her if he tries to beat me up. She's so sweet. She's going to be my favorite teacher. Bendy thought as he looked at Cuphead. "This was just the way I was born. Take it or leave it." Bendy said trying to sound confident but only sounded bratty and braggy. He saw Cuphead clench a fist which caused him to flinch and cover his eyes.

Cute Bendy x Bully CupheadWhere stories live. Discover now