A Strange Connection

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Cuphead was walking a little slower then usual down the hall. He heard some weird commotion and the teacher asked anyone to check. Everyone put up their hand but Cuphead was the one who got up and walked out of the room so now this was his job.
He looked around and noticed his two friends running down the hall in a huff. I wonder what they are mad about. Cuphead wondered as he stepped on something. He heard a loud CRACK under his foot. He lifted his foot and looked at what he stepped on. It was someone's glasses. (Hehe, remember from the previous chapter?)
"M-My glasses! Eep!" Cuphead heard a familiar voice say. He looked around. He couldn't see where the voice was coming from.
"Bendy?" Cuphead looked around trying to find the little demon. Or perhaps it was someone else who's glasses he stepped on. He sighed as he slowly retreated back into the hallway he came from.
"O-Okay, it seems like everyone's gone, now how do I get down.. It shouldn't be too different from a tree." Cuphead heard the voice again. He peeked from the corner and looked.
He saw Bendy trying to slowly climb down from the lockers.
How in the fucking hell did he get up there? He must be a good climber. Cuphead thought as he felt himself begin to blush, he couldn't help but stare. He must be trying to get down. I wonder how he'll manage that? Cuphead wondered as he saw Bendy making a poor attempt to get down.
Bendy tried to get down by using his arms, clearly not seeing how smooth the corners were his hands weren't able to get a good grip and he slipped.
"Eek!" Bendy shrieked as he fell.
No! Cuphead thought as he ran from his hiding spot. He put his arms out and caught the little demon before he could hit the ground. W-Wait why did I do that? I should've just let him fall. But then again. Even I can't handle seeing someone get embarrassed that much. Cuphead thought as he looked at the little shaking demon.
"Y-You caught me? Why?" Bendy asked looking at Cuphead before trying to get away.
Cuphead tightened his grip as a smile came across his face. "Well you made a good attempt to climb but made a bad attempt to go down. A pathetic attempt if you ask me. Even I don't want to see that type of embarrassment." Cuphead said before laughing at Bendy.
Cuphead noticed a blush come across Bendy as he opened his mouth to speak, then closed it, then opened it again, and closed it again, this began to annoy Cuphead.
"If you want to say something say it before I decide to drop you." Cuphead said, his smile fading. "Also I know those were your glasses.'
"Y-You heard me!?" Bendy squeaked as he tried to get away again.
Cuphead held him closer and more tightly. "Mmhmm." Cuphead said, his smile coming back and the blush coming right back on Bendy's face.
Bendy crossed his arms as he blushed hard. He wasn't even fighting to get away from Cuphead anymore. Cuphead lightly chuckled. They both stayed there, not exactly knowing what to say.
Should I say something? I don't exactly want to put him down. He's in my arms. He's so small. He's cute. He had glasses like a nerd. Cuphead snap out of it! Just drop him already! Cuphead scolded himself and tried to get his arms to drop, but he just couldn't. He wanted to keep holding Bendy with him.
Cuphead snapped out of whatever this feeling was when he heard the bell ring.
"Bendy!" He heard Felix yell as he bolted out of his classroom and was running straight for the art room.
"Felix! I'm over here!" Bendy yelled as he once again struggled to get out of Cuphead's grip.
"Coming Bendy!" That irritated Cuphead. He saw as the cat ran up to them and almost bumped right into Cuphead. "P-Put him down you-! You-! You tyrant!" Felix stuttered as he pointed at Cuphead, who realized he was still holding Bendy.
A crowd gathered around the three and they gasped at Felix's words. No one had ever called Cuphead a tyrant before. The crowd around began to whisper around them. They were quiet which pissed Cuphead off.
"Do you think they're going to fight?" "Why would anyone say that to Cuphead!?" "Why is he holding the demon?" "What if Cuphead sends him to the hospital?" "Is he going to kill him?" "That cat is so dead."
Cuphead growled before shouting.
"Okay! That's enough! Now if any of you say anything! I will beat you all! Now shut your asses up and get to your next classes!"
Everyone quickly ran away and all that was left was the sound of echoing slamming doors then silence. Cuphead looked at Felix before blushing and slowly putting Bendy down. Bendy quickly ran and hid behind Felix. Felix looked terrified as he stared at Cuphead.
"S-So you aren't going to kill me?" Felix stuttered as he hugged Bendy and held him close.
Cuphead huffed before crossing his arms. He shook his head. "No, not right now at least. But you better watch your back at lunch. I'm not letting what you said go that easily." Cuphead felt himself blushing as he stared at the demon cowering behind Felix.
Bump bump. Bump bump. Bump bump.
His heart went as he stared at the little adorable demon.
"Wh-Why did you help me though?" Bendy asked, only peeking from beside Felix's arm.
"He helped you? What did he help you with?" Felix asked.
"He caught me because I fell from the locker and could've broken a bone-" Bendy said before Cuphead quickly cut him off.
"It was nothing! Nothing important. Now get to class before I change my mind and treat you like the bitches you are." Cuphead responded before turning around and stomping his way to his class. He wasn't worried he would see them at lunch. That's when he would give them what they deserve.

Cute Bendy x Bully CupheadWhere stories live. Discover now