The fallen brother..(Gore)

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Warning! This is depressing and involves a death, fighting, physical fighting, and more! Be aware and warned!
Cuphead slammed the car door shut as he sat down beside his stepmother. He always hated her and never understood why his father even fell in love with her, but he did, so Cuphead tried to like her but they always had a certain hatred towards each other, Cuphead's brother, Mugman, was a different story, they got along and loved each other.
"Don't slap my door you piece of porcelain!" Cuphead's stepmother scolded him as she hit the gas and quickly drove away from Bendy's house. "I told you not to go to school today!" She scolded again.
"What!? No you didn't! You told me I had to go otherwise you'd kick me out of the house!" Cuphead argued back.
"I wasn't serious! You were supposed to stay with Mugman today! He got sick and now he's dead because you weren't there with him!" She shouted before making a sharp left turn.
Cuphead hit his head on the glass of the car. He didn't process what she said. "Say that again." He demanded.
"When we get home, you better pack your shit and leave, go find a job or whatever, I don't care anymore." She said.
"I said to repeat yourself you old stupid bitch!" Cuphead said before grabbing the wheel and trying to wrestle it out of her grasp.
She had trouble keeping the car straight but she managed. "I said he's dead! And it's all your fault!" She repeated before stopping the car in front of their house. She began to cry. "Get your stuff and get out." She said sobbing.
"Gladly!" Cuphead said with anger as he walked into his room and packed his suitcase. He didn't have much since his step mother auctioned off many things of his as an excuse to get Mugman more things. He packed as much as he could, clothes, devices, money, water, food, even a few drawings Mugman made him. He walked out, stopping in front of Mugman's room. He slowly pushed the door open and walked in. Bro.. I'm so sorry I let you down.. Cuphead thought as he felt tears swell in his eyes. He walked over to Mugman's bed and sat down, picking up a teddy bear he had given Mugman many years ago when their mother died. Haha.. You remember this bro..? I got you this so you would stop crying so much like a baby.. Mom was gone.. Then dad a while after.. And now you.. I'm sorry bro.. He thought as he packed the bear and walked out. He dragged the heavy suitcase downstairs. There his stepmother was, waiting for him with her arms crossed, Cuphead didn't care, he just shoved past her and began to walk away.
"Never come back you useless cup!" She called to him before falling on her knees and crying.
Cuphead ignored her as he always did. He hated her and was always looking for a reason to leave the house, but he never wanted to leave Mugman behind, he was planning on running away with him but now he couldn't. Cuphead walked, walked, walked and walked. Until he was near the school. He didn't even recognize it in the darkness. He sat down and leaned against a tree. He slowly pulled out his phone and began to scroll through photos of him, Mugman, their father, and mother. They used to be so happy, and now Cuphead was the last one of the family.
Why couldn't it be me? Why couldn't I have gotten this sickness? Mugman would've still been alive. We could've ran away together. I'm stronger. Aren't I? I could've handled it better. Couldn't I? Or would I have just died like Mugman without a cure or anything? Cuphead was lost in his thoughts without realizing he fell asleep.

"Bro? Brother? Cuphead?" Mugman said as he pulled Cuphead towards the kitchen. "Are you okay? You seem off." Mugman asked him.
Cuphead laughed. "Of course I'm okay, just lost in a little bit of thought." Cuphead replied.
"Well come on! Mom made us cookies! You know she makes the best chocolate chips!" Mugman said, still pulling Cuphead into the kitchen.
"There are my handsome darlings! I got some cookies! You're favorites!" Cuphead's mother said with the sweetest smile. It always warmed Cuphead's heart to see that smile.
"And my favorite as well!" Cuphead's father said as he snatched a cookie and ate it before kissing his mother on the lips.
"Eww! Dad! That's gross! Stop kissing! Go kiss in your room!" Mugman said covering his eyes in disgust.
This made Cuphead laugh as he gently patted his brother on his head. "You'll find love one day bro, and you'll be just like that." Cuphead teased.
"Cuphead, why are you lying to me?" Mugman said before throwing up.
"Mugs!?" Cuphead said before grabbing him.
"We have to go, goodbye son." His father said before picking up Mugman and walking away with his mother.
"W-Wait don't leave me!" Cuphead cried reaching his hand out as they walked into the darkness. "Mom! Dad! Mugs!" Cuphead called before he wasn't able to see them anymore at all.

"Cuphead? Cuphead wake up! Are you okay?" Bendy was gently shaking Cuphead.
Cuphead jolted up and shoved Bendy away. "What the fuck are you doing!?" He said, too tired to even understand what was happening.
Bendy fell down but luckily didn't land on his tail. He looked at Cuphead confused. "I was only making sure you were okay, I saw you drive away with that lady and then the next thing I see is you sleeping outside the school." Bendy told him before getting up. "I was curious if you were okay."
Cuphead felt rage fuel him as he remembered what happened yesterday. "I'm fine you overgrown panzy!" Cuphead replied before shoving last Bendy and going to his first class. Leaving Bendy sitting there, not caring if he left the little demon behind.

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