Developing strange feelings

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Cuphead clenched his fists. He wasn't used to such, talk back. It felt strange to him. No one ever truly talked back like that. He saw the little Demon flinch. He lifted his arms to cross them but he saw Bendy run away and hide behind the teacher. N-No come back. W-Wait what am I thinking!? No! He can cower behind that teacher all he wants. He's just a tiny- Tiny.. Pipsqueak! One who's going to learn his lesson at lunch for disrespecting me in front of a class of ones who fear me. He will learn. Cuphead thought as he shoved his hands into his pockets. He stared at Bendy before rolling his eyes and flopping back down in his chair.
"Okay! Now that we've learned about Bendy, why don't we name three interesting things about ourselves? Ortensia why don't you go first?" The teacher asked. She always annoyed Cuphead. It was mainly her always sweet tone that annoyed him.
Sweet enough to get a toothache from. He thought. He was disgusted by how sweet and friendly she was. He always hated it. Cuphead watched as the female cat stood up wearing her long skirt, her stupid hat, and her ugly pink sweater.
"H-Hello! My name is Ortensia! I'm a cat! I enjoy art and running around! I just enjoy doing things in general!" Ortensia said before sitting back down.
Cuphead stared at Bendy as everyone was talking about themselves. He watched as the teacher pulled up another chair so she could sit beside him and just comforted him since he looked nervous. Nervous little bitch. Why are you acting like such a cunt? Bet your little cat boyfriend would be excited to see your ass get kicked again. I'm sure he'd like to join you as well. Cuphead got bothered by his own thought but he pushed it behind him. He kept staring at Bendy when the teacher called his name.
"Cuphead?" She called loudly.
Cuphead snapped back to reality and looked at the teacher. "What!?" He snapped at her.
"Cuphead it's your turn to share. Three things about yourself." She said.
"Okay, well my name is Cuphead, I like to kick ass, I hate demons and devils, and lastly, my name is Cuphead." He said staring at the circle of cowering students.
"Cuphead, that was only two, you repeated your name twice." The teacher said with a slight frown.
"Well my name is something interesting about me!" Cuphead said with a grin as he leaned back on his chair.
"Or maybe you just don't have three things interesting about you." Everyone heard Bendy say. Everyone began to giggle and some even laughed out loud. Cuphead felt rage as he saw Bendy blush from all the attention.
Cuphead got up. He pulled his fists out of his pockets as he stared Bendy down. "Alright. Here's a third interesting fact little demon. I'm about to kick your ass." Cuphead said before running towards Bendy and swinging his fist to punch him. Cuphead felt pain in his hand as he looked at his knuckles. They were all full of splinters and when he finally looked at where he thought Bendy was all he saw was a broken chair. "What!? Where did that demon go!?" Cuphead spun around looking for him before hearing the door open and close. He turned around and saw some weird black inky puddles leading towards the door. Cuphead growled as he slowly followed them.
One way or another. I always get what I want. I'm going to make you learn your lesson little demon. Ready or not. Here I come. He thought as he felt his heart beat harder as he approached the room he knew Bendy was in. Bump bump. Bump bump. Bump bump. Ugh! Just cut that out already Cuphead! Control yourself! He thought as he opened the door. Why is it unlocked? Cuphead wondered as he walked in to see an entire class staring at him. He looked around and didn't see Bendy but instead his eyes fell on Felix. He walked up to him and picked up Felix by the collar of his shirt.
"Where's the demon?" Cuphead demanded as he held Felix up so they were face to face.
"L-Like I'll tell you!" Felix shouted to Cuphead. Refusing to tell him where Bendy was.
"Tell me and I'll consider not kicking the shit out of your ass." Cuphead said with a stern and angry frown.
"I would rather have my ass kicked then see you torture Bendy any further." Felix said kicking Cuphead in the chest.
Cuphead didn't even flinch. He just stared at Felix who was looking like he was immediately regretting the kick. Is this what loyalty is? He's not betraying his little friend even though he knows it's going to get his ass beat. He thought as he noticed the class staring at him. He growled as he dropped Felix.
"Oof!" Felix went as he fell down and landed on his side. Hurting his arm.
"Eep!" He heard a voice go from under Felix's desk.
Cuphead narrowed his eyes to the desk as he slowly walked around the desk. Making this as painful as he could for who he was guessing was Bendy under the desk. He bend his knees and looked under the desk to see the little demon trying to scoot back but failing since the desk was right beside the wall.
"There you are little Demon." Cuphead said as he heard gasps from behind him. He got up and saw everyone looking away. He heard a whimper from under the desk.
H-He whimpers? That's so adorable! Wait what am I thinking?! He's not adorable! He's stupid! Fuck what is this feeling? I've never felt it before.. Fucking, bullshit, I hate it! Cuphead thought as he gritted his teeth and blushed hard. Everyone stared at him making him feel humiliated. He never knew what it felt like to be humiliated before. "You're lucky this time little Demon. But watch your back at lunch." Cuphead said before moving away from the desk.
Bendy slowly crawled out, clearly still scared. He got up and quickly ran out of the classroom.
Cuphead glared at Felix as he slowly followed Bendy out of the room. As soon as he was out he saw Bendy bolt back into the art class and he felt himself blush even more. He runs so fast. He must be athletic or something. Cute. Cuphead no! Stop thinking like that! He thought as he stomped back into class. Everyone was gathered around little Bendy, Cuphead just flopped back into his chair and just wanted for everyone to stop gasping and asking the little demon questions.

Cute Bendy x Bully CupheadWhere stories live. Discover now