Showing the love (Smut/Lemon)

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Smut/Lemon Warning!
Bendy woke up rubbing his head. As soon as he opened his eyes he panicked. D-Did I die? What is this place? Am I back in hell? Bendy wondered as he looked around. He definitely wasn't in hell, but in a nice house. Bendy was still in pain. "Mmn? Where am I?" Bendy finally asked before he saw Cuphead. He jumped back.
"You're in my house. You tried to kill yourself. I stopped you. You tried a poor attempt to hit me. You passed out. So I brought you here." Cuphead began to pet Bendy.
Bendy leaned against Cuphead. He sighed. "Why did you save me?" Bendy finally asked.
Cuphead paused. Bendy nudged him in the side. "I couldn't watch you do it. You kept saying that no one loved you since your brother died. But that's not true. I can't believe I'm saying it but.. I do love you Bendy. I'm willing to prove it. Only if your comfortable." Cuphead finally told him. He sighed.
Bendy felt a light blush spreading across his cheeks. He lightly gulped. I do like him but.. Is it in that way? Maybe? Maybe not? There's only one true way to find out I guess.. Bendy thought before lightly grabbing Cuphead's hand. "Cuphead.. I want you to prove it." Bendy said. He lightly gulped.
"Wh-What?" Cuphead stuttered as he stared at Bendy with big blush spreading all over his cheeks.
"I want you to prove how much you love me. Make me feel better." Bendy told him. I can feel his lust. If he wants to he can show me that way. I won't fight it as long as it doesn't hurt too bad. I don't think he wants to hurt me anymore but.. Still. I have to be wary. Bendy thought as he sat up straighter.
"Bendy.. How do you want me to prove it to you? There's more ways then one." Cuphead said with a blush on his face.
Bendy rolled his eyes. For such a big guy he's so scared to make the first move. Bendy thought as he grabbed Cuphead by the collar of his shirt and pulled him on top of him. "Does that answer your question?" Bendy asked him.
"Y-Yes." Cuphead said as he began to slowly kiss Bendy's neck. Bendy gasped as he blushed hard. Cuphead kept kissing until Bendy gave a small flinch. "Looks like I found something.~" Cuphead teased as he bit down on that spot.
"Ah!" Bendy blushed hard. It felt surprisingly good for him. He moaned lightly. He lightly huffed. He felt Cuphead's hand go on the right side of his waist. "What are you-" Bendy was cut off when Cuphead flipped him over. Bendy's face for shoved into the sheets. He tried to look. "Cuphead what-" Bendy blushed as he felt something tying around his wrists. He blushed hard.
"I told you.. I'm going to show you my love." Bendy heard Cuphead whisper into his ear. Bendy could just sense his lust in the air.
Bendy felt something pressing against him. He blushed. He felt it get pulled away and he gave a slightly whimper. He heard Cuphead chuckle.
"Stop teasing me.." Bendy whimpered.
"I'm not, let me show you." Cuphead said in his ear.
Bendy lightly huffed as he felt something press against him. He gasped hard as a blush went all over his face. It was wet and it pushed it's way inside of him. "Ah!" Bendy went. He huffed and started breathing a bit heavily. He felt whatever was in him press against something that just filled his body with pleasure. Causing Bendy to moan out of pure pleasure. He felt himself starting to get hard with a small drip coming out of him. He blushed hard as he kept feeling it drip. "C-Cuphead stop! Sh-Show a little mercy!" Bendy blushed as he begged. He felt the wet thing pull out of him and he realized what was inside of him. He blushed hard. Th-That was his tongue! Bendy thought as he blushed. He felt Cuphead lean over him.
"Bendy you should've learned from that first day I don't show mercy..~" Cuphead whispered in his ear as he went back and continued.
Bendy let off a loud moan. He felt himself dripping but he felt himself getting closer. "C-Cuphead!~" Bendy moaned loudly. He groaned and whimpered. "Ah!~" Bendy went as he squirted all of his stuff out and onto his bed. He lightly huffed. He was breathing heavily still but he was relaxing a bit more. He felt Cuphead pull out and roll him onto his side. He was huffing hard and still blushing. He stared at Cuphead.
"Well, do you believe me now? That I love you?" Cuphead asked Bendy.
Bendy didn't answer right away since he was still huffing and panting tiredly. He gave a nod. "I don't hear any words Bendy." Bendy groaned at him.

"Yes I believe you." Bendy said with a slight giggle. He was still a blushing mess.
"Good, because you ruined my sheets." Cuphead said waving his hand at the mess that came out of Bendy.
Bendy blushed hard and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, technically you ruined your own sheets, I told you to stop, you didn't stop so you knew what you were getting yourself into." Bendy said rolling his eyes, trying not to blush or at least show his blush. He felt Cuphead snuggle him and rub his head against his neck. He had such a seductive look in his eyes. Bendy faced away with a blush on his face but he stared at Cuphead. He just couldn't bring himself to look away.
"Can I go further? If you want, of course, I don't mind, I mean I want to but with your permission of course." Cuphead went on and on. It annoyed Bendy a little bit.
"Since when did I say no Cuphead?" Bendy asked him.
Cuphead nodded, grabbing Bendy by his thighs and slowly lifting him up.

Cute Bendy x Bully CupheadWhere stories live. Discover now