Getting what is wanted (Smut/Lemon)

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Cuphead slowly lifted Bendy by his thighs. "We don't have to go this far Bendy." Cuphead said, giving him one last chance to turn down.
"I-I want you to do it." Bendy said as a blush came across his face. Cuphead nodded as he slowly placed Bendy down on his hard member. Bendy felt so tight around him, Cuphead blushed and lightly moaned. "Ow!" Bendy squeaked as Cuphead quickly stopped moving him.
"Are you okay?" Cuphead quickly asked. He felt scared that he hurt Bendy a lot. He stared at Bendy waiting for an answer.
"Y-Yeah I'm okay, just.. Go easy on me." Bendy said as he blushed.
Cuphead felt himself blush very hard, he nodded. He slowly placed Bendy down fully on his member. He heard Bendy groan with pleasure. "C-Can I face the other way?" Bendy asked. Cuphead nodded and lifted Bendy off of his member. He slowly turned Bendy around and slowly placed him on his member again.
"You like being in front?" Cuphead teased as he decided to do something a little stupid. He dropped Bendy on his member, a bit roughly.
"Eek!" Bendy went as his noises slowly turned into moans and groans. Cuphead slowly wrapped his hand around Bendy's member and moved his hand up and down. Bendy whimpered but moaned. "A-Ah..!~ C-Cup-" Bendy was cut off as Cuphead put two of his fingers in his mouth. Bendy groaned.
"Heheheh.." Cuphead lightly chuckled as he thrusted in Bendy. Bendy was so tight around his member that Cuphead's body was filled with pleasure. He began to thrust more. He leaned against Bendy.
Bendy was muffled but he moaned even with fingers in his mouth.
"I'm going to do something Bendy, just claw my hand if it hurts." Cuphead said as he slowly pulled his two fingers out of Bendy.
"O-Okay Cuphead. Y-You can go harder, or faster, wh-whatever you want." Bendy stuttered. Bendy groaned as Cuphead pushed him into a bending over position. "I-I'm a little uncomfortable laying like this." Bendy said.
Cuphead found the position kind of awkward himself. "Here." He handed Bendy a pillow. Bendy placed it under him and leaned on it. He groaned. "Okay, here we go." Cuphead said as he thrusted back into Bendy.
"Ah!" Bendy yelled as he blushed very hard. Bendy began to lightly huffed as he adjusted to Cuphead's size. "Y-Your so big!" Bendy stuttered as he lightly moaned.
"Let me know when your adjusted, I want to know when to begin." Cuphead said as he did very small a minor thrusts. Causing Bendy to moan.
"I-It's okay, you can go now." Bendy said with another pleasured moan.
Cuphead got his back straight and he began to thrust. The small noises Bendy made caused him to go faster.
"A-A-Ah! Oh my goodness!" Bendy went as he started to lightly pant. Cuphead grinned, he knew it hit something in Bendy. He began to go harder to keep hitting that spot. "C-Cuphead! O-Oh goodness!" Bendy moaned. "I-I'm going to-!" Before Bendy could finish Cuphead thrusted in his hardest, causing Bendy to spill everything out. Cuphead smiled, he wasn't done yet. He kept thrusting and repeating to hit that spot again. Bendy yelled in pleasure so Cuphead put his hand over Bendy's mouth to keep him a little quiet. He kept thrusting. Only feeling himself get closer as the little adorable demon squeezed around him.
"Y-Your squeezing so tightly, you must really want this." Cuphead teased as he kept his hips moving. He felt himself getting very close. He was feeling a little tired but he kept his movements hard and fast. You're my demon now, your so small and pleasuring, I knew from that first day I wanted you to be mine. You will now, your my demon now Bendy. He thought. He kept going and he felt himself empty inside of Bendy. He slowed down his movements to smaller thrusts as he panted, he felt tired but his entire body was filled with pleasure. He chuckled before panting again. "How did that make you feel?" Cuphead asked as he chuckled once more.
"I-It felt r-really good." Bendy panted. Cuphead gently pet between his horns. "Ah.. Y-You can pull out if you want." Bendy said with such a seductive voice.
"O-Oh yeah of course." Cuphead blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck and slowly pulled out. He heard Bendy let out a pleasuring moan. He lightly chuckled. "Well, you certainly enjoyed that didn't you? You're moaning as I pull out so I assume it felt really good." Cuphead teased as he laid back down, leaning against the wall. "Wow, I can't believe how tight you were, you felt amazing." Cuphead smiled.
Bendy gave a light nod as he laid on his side still panting. "Th-That was very enjoyable. Th-Thank you Cuphead. Y-You aren't jealous I came more then you?" Bendy lightly teased as he smiled.
"Oh I was just showing you some different kind of love, I know you'll pay be back if you love me back." Cuphead smirked before sticking his tongue out.
"B-But what about the others? Others will make fun of me." Bendy looked away a bit sad.
Cuphead smiled. "Bendy look, I'm going to take care of you, and I think me doing all that would be enough proof, we already have many classes together, I can show them to stay away from you, since I'm the one in charge of taking care of you now. Leave them to me Bendy." Cuphead said as he gently petted Bendy between his horns again.
Bendy sat up then leaned his head against Cuphead's shoulder. "Thank you." Bendy said before gently placing his hand against Cuphead's thigh. "You're too nice towards me.. You're such a big.. Softy." Bendy said, his voice trailing off. Cuphead looked at him and saw Bendy falling asleep.
"Don't worry Bendy. You're mine now. I'll take care of you." Cuphead said before kissing Bendy. Tomorrow is a new day. He thought.

Cute Bendy x Bully CupheadWhere stories live. Discover now