Expelled or rewarded?

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Cuphead sat there leaning on his chair with Bendy curled up against him. Bendy was sitting on his lap as he was a little too big to fit on Felix's lap but he just really didn't want to sit by himself.
"So let me get this straight." The principal said adjusting his glasses. "Racco and Torto assaulted Bendy and raped him?"
"Attempted to. I saw. Then I got them off Bendy and got Bendy here." Cuphead corrected him.
"Right. How do you know this?" The Principal asked staring at Cuphead.
"I saw it. I kicked down the door and walked in. I saw Racco pushing his dick into Bendy and I got him off." Cuphead said gently rubbing Bendy's shoulder to get him to stop shaking so much. It made Cuphead uncomfortable to see him still this scared after getting away from his bullies.
"How did you 'get him off' exactly?" Asked the principal. Giving a sly glare.
"I punched him. Then I punched Torto when he tried to attack me. I untied Bendy and we left to tell you." Cuphead said without thinking too much about what he said.
"So.. You assaulted Racco and Torto?" He asked now staring at Cuphead.
"What!?" Felix said shocked. "Did you not just hear Cuphead? Racco and Torto attempted sexually assault Bendy and your getting mad at him for defending Bendy?!" Felix shouted.
"No, I'm expelling him for attacking Racco and Torto." He said, trying to hide a smile.
"W-Wait!" Bendy piped up. Cuphead felt a little shocked, he wasn't expecting Bendy to speak. "C-Cuphead did hit them, but they hit me first!"
The Principal went silent and looked at his papers. "It does say that they hit him on the head with a pipe.." He whispered to himself and groaned. "Fine. Cuphead isn't expelled. But another beating about this without telling the teachers and you'll get your last strike Cuphead." The principal warned.
"I-I wouldn't recommend that.." Bendy said, gently flicking his swollen tail.
"And why is that Bendy?" He asked, glaring at Bendy.
"Y-You forget, m-my uncle-in-law is the Devil. Y-You owe him something. I-I can tell him to stop giving you spare time. Or if you erase Cuphead's strikes I'll get him to cut off your deal and you'll owe him nothing." Bendy said, leaning on Cuphead's chest. This made Cuphead blush very hard.
The principal growled then grunted. He nodded. "Very well. Cuphead has no strikes, he has three chances before he could be expelled. Now you're all dismissed." The principal waved his hand. Felix, Bendy, and Cuphead got up and walked out of the room together. Cuphead stared at Bendy and put him down not realizing his legs were still weak. Bendy didn't fall, this time, his legs only wobbled and he leaned against the wall.
"Why did you help me?" Cuphead asked. "I bully you, hurt you, and you still helped me?"
Bendy blushed and looked away. "Don't let it go to your head. I was just helping you because you stopped your friends from doing that to me." Bendy said, Cuphead could tell he was blushing very hard.
"Alright, whatever. I'm going to class. I think I have math now." Cuphead said before walking away. He heard Felix and Bendy mumbling something then noticed Bendy following him. Felix was walking off in a different direction. Bendy was walking behind Cuphead. Cuphead began to slow down without noticing as he stared at Bendy. "Why are you following?" Cuphead finally questioned.
"I-I have math class too. I'm just going to class." Bendy said. Cuphead could now see the obvious blush on his face.
"You feeling okay? You're blushing like you've just went through an oven and out." Cuphead teased.
"Yes! I-I'm okay! Really, just still.. You know, from that situation, you saving me, and all that.. I just feel different about you now." Bendy smiled at Cuphead. This made Cuphead blush.
Bump bump. Bump bump. Bump bump. Bump bump.
His heart spoke. He ignored it. "I can walk you to class if you want." Cuphead said holding out his hand.
Bendy paused with a blush going all over his cheeks. He smiled and nodded. "O-Okay, we're going in the same direction. I don't see why not." Bendy said, his face covered by his blush, he placed his hand in Cuphead's, Cuphead lead him to class. They walked in, still holding hands.
Everyone stared at Cuphead and Bendy, even the teacher. Cuphead could see that Bendy was getting embarrassed and began to hide behind Cuphead's leg, still holding his hand.
"Well!? Are you all going to stare or show us a place we can sit down!?" Cuphead growled at everyone. The students quickly began to start working and Cuphead noticed a table in the back with two chairs. He felt himself blush as he walked to the table and fell into the chair. He saw as Bendy sat beside him and he looked away.
"Cuphead? Are you okay?" Bendy whispered to him.
"I'm fine." Cuphead put his arms on his desk, then put his head between his arms. Cuphead closed his eyes as he was going to try and sleep. Especially after all of what happened in that room and the hallway. It was a lot for Cuphead to handle, he just wanted to sleep all of this off. Cuphead felt a hard blush coming across his face as he felt something soft press against his shoulder.
"I'm here for you Cuphead. I'll be by your side. I'll always listen to you. I'll never leave your side. You mean a lot to me. I see that now. I won't give up on you Cuphead." Cuphead heard Bendy said as something nuzzled his arm.
Cuphead sighed as he slowly closed his eyes. Without realizing. He drifted off to sleep.

"He's dead because of you. You were a horrible older brother. You abandoned him. You will never see him again. And even worse. Bendy will never love you." All Cuphead could see was darkness. But he recognized the voice. It was his step mother..

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