False Gods

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The great hall was but bare bones now. The people still looking on at the fight taking place in the centre. The cold air creeped it's way into hall.

Fure stood behind Samth helping her into her slim feet.

"This is truly madness. I need to help!"

Fure placed her old hand on Samths slim shoulder and spoke. "They are fighting beyond your abilities you at best would be an ant fighting a bull. Useless. The most we can do is watch and pray"

Samth gave Fure a hurt look but knew she spoke the truth. She would be no help in this fight.

Rushing up and trying to use his speed to swipe Dypes with his sword Res made a desperate move. Ducking down he avoided it narrowly but enough then using his momentum he turned to back fist an approaching Espex.

Managing to clasp the fist Espex used his strength to hold Dypes. Looking on at the opening Respex stabbed forward but Dypes spun dislocating his own shoulder to avoid the blade hit his heart.

Pushing his good hand forward he exploded out a wave of pure grey that threw Espex back onto Respex. Both tumbled onto the ground. Heavy breathing escaping them both. Dypes looked down at them as he pushed his shoulder into place. A loud crack followed and he grimaced a little.

"You are no match for me. Brother you may be a demon but I am a god. You should have taken my offer and ruled."

Spitting up a large portion of blood Espex crawled his way off his sons unconscious body.

"I am far from losing." As he barked these words his eyes and their purple glow changed to that of a lizard.

Dypes watched before noticing. Somthing strange his body began to feel different, numb almost.

"You wasted too much time." Pointing his hand at Dypes Espex smiled. "A piece of me is in you fool and it is going crazy. "

Dypes showed fear in his face as he skin began to morph. Skin melted and scales started to form before falling out and revealing skin once more. His eyes went from that of a demons to his normal brown. Teeth exploded out his mouth as new ones emerged to in turn leave and form anew.

"What is this!" Spat out Dypes as blood left his mouth and another ripple of scales crossed his face.

"Control even I have a hard time controlling my demon. If you had not secretly tried to steal my soul and consumed me whole then this may have played out different. You didn't however and my demon has no anchor to hold it. You may control souls but the demon is pure hate."

Standing on his feet Espex looked at his brother hold his face and scream.

"You were always smarter than me but that was also your weakness. Bursting forth Espex grasped his brothers throat. A great ripple of scales moved from Dypes body into Espex own arm. His scales however stayed and turned their usual purple. An arm now completely turned Espex looked his brother in the eyes. "You really did die all those years ago." Lifting his brother up a tear left his purple eye. "You are no god. I have met one and he way truly special all I can do for you is give peace." Dypes screamed before a loud snap cracked from his neck and his eyes dropped lifeless. "Good bye"

Slowly he let go of his grip and the body slumped to the ground with a thud. A silent hall watched as Espex coughed up more blood. Turning he looked at his apprentice and grandmother. A smile crossed his pale white skin.

Samth smiled back and started to walk towards her beaten friend. It was finally over. Things would go back to the way they were. Se could learn magic from him once more and travel the world. Wrapping her thin arms around his body she cried out in happiness. Her cries came from her soul and Espex for embraced her back. The long trip home and The Lord ceremony was finally over.

It was a strange sensation, more for Samth as she had never felt anything like it before. She knew something was wrong but it was like a hollowness. The surreal experience had shocked them both. Going through how it happened over and over time seemed to stop for them both. They both looked down as the object that had impaled them together slowly drank their blood and painted it crimson.

"This is the only way. Forgive me" the last words Respex ever spoke to Samth.

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