The Flow

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The harsh dry air dried the lips of the wanderer. The sky was an endless blue with no sign of clouds. The land dry to the bone the very earth cracked. The distance ever stretching and endless brown and grey. A slight wind would shimmer through the land cooling whatever was lucky enough to embrace it.

Walking through this hellish tundra a lone man. A large stick helped him wonder ever forward in the endless sea of heat and pain. A large brown cloak wrapped around his face covering it from the vengeful sun. The stick was made from old wood dry like everything else.

He had done this journey for days now. Always on the move this man never stayed in the same place for more than a few days. He was on a journey to find something. He knew what he wanted but now how to claim it. Forever out his reach but on he continued.

Stopping in his tracks he turned quickly around. The cloak he wore spun around wrapping around his body a little. Looking onto the distance his brown eyes narrowed and he sniffed the air. He felt a ripple it was feint but he could sense it. Something in the world was happening that was out of line. An event that should not be but was. Confused it was a new sensation to the loner. Without feeling it before he knew things had changed. Events that were written now wiped clean. A spiral event had disturbed the flow of mana.

Putting up his right gloved damaged hand. He opened his palm a great spiral of blue energy spun before turning into a fine needle. Using his other gloved hand he held the needle and started to pierce the dry ground.

The needle threw down into the earth as the man used his hands to move the needle like a puppet. Slowly but surely he wrote a large circle of strange runes. Hours passed as he finely wrote the runes.

Finally done he stood in the middle of a great circle metres across. His breathing was heavy and the sun was hard on him. Taking a long slow breath he slapped his hands together. A great light beamed up from the edges of the circle into the sky. This made a great white circle into the sky. As he stood with both hands together the light slowly began to spin around. The runes moved as well slowly going round and round closer and closer to the man.

As the last rune reached the man and disappeared between his legs a lightning strike smashed into the ground. It was the usual blue kind it was red with an outline of black.

Looking on at the area the lightning hit the man looked at the dust settle. Standing in the centre was a tall skinny man completely black from head to toe. A large grin plastered across his blank face.

"What a day it is. Twice to be summoned on this day. Fate is a fickle thing."

The man grabbed his garb and pulled it back to expose his long grey hair. It shagged down his face and the his shoulders.

"What has happened here. Something has changed I can feel it in the flow." His voice low and damaged from lack of use.

"Very observant as one would expect from the source."'walking to the sit casually the figure continued. "The time line has been altered a being of great power launched itself back at a cost of course."

"One you were willing to give?"

The smile on it's blank face grew a lot bigger. "Of course everything has a price even this right now is costing you."

"What is causing this?" Chocked out the old man.

"Your blood. The legacy you left is ripping this world apart. Key pieces of fate balance around you and your blood. Interesting isn't it?"

"Will this damage the flow?"

"No it will resolve itself. As they say time heals all wounds." The smirk ever present.

"Then I need not take action. Now
What is the price of this visit?"

Still walking around the figure his smile grew even bigger.

"Your price is truth. There are three fighting right now two close blood another further down. All connected one summoned me and I have him what he wanted. The price for them is two must fall. Today you will lose two blood no matter what."

Unfazed the man blinked nodded and spoke once more. "Very well you may go."

"Cold as ever. As usual I tolerate you and your people because after all we are family only you know it. Till we meet again Asherex Ashura." As the last word finished he melted away into the void that was this desert.

Pulling his hood back up to cover from the head a sad smile filled his weather beaten face.

"I am sorry Dypes and Espex but what I am trying to do is about everyone. Forgive your foolish old man."

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