Chapter 26: A Soul.

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His hand placed spread out on the cobbled ground Dypes had his eyes closed and he was humming gently to himself. He knelt like this for minutes just humming and not moving like a statue. The shadow of the near building crept over him and hid him for light. In the shade he still did not move.

“Many powerful souls are now within the void; things will change from here on,” Standing up from the ground Dypes looked into the sky and watched clouds pass by.

Turning he walked towards the edge of the shadow back into the daylight to be confronted by a flash from the past. Standing in front of him was Haya. He stood tall and skinny. Steam exploding out his body. His eyes bright red and his hair white. He wore large black trousers and the scar on his face ever vibrant.

“Hello Dypes.” Said Haya as more steam escaped his body and mouth.

“Haya? What happened to you?”

“No time to explain.” Bursting forward Haya turned to light and disappeared.

Dypes turned around searching frantically for Haya. Then a sudden light exploded at his right and Haya threw out a punch. Spinning Dypes clasped down with his hands and caught the punch.

“Impossible!” blurted Haya as his wide red eyes held surprise. Clenching his arm muscles he tried to escape Dypes grip.

“What madness is this? Why attack me?” demanded Dypes his brown eyes filled with confusion and rage.

“You need to be snuffed; you are far too powerful to walk around this world. You are far too warped and twisted you always have been. Tate cannot allow you to corrupt another in your image. My mission is to kill you and get Samth to safety.” He coldly said the words whilst managing to get free of Dypes clasp.

“Your words…” a smirk spread across his face, “Are very true. I will change this world and not for the betterment of mage or civilian but for Asura to be top again.” Throwing out his arms he looked at Haya. “Don’t you see brother, we can reclaim our lost pride, join me once more and we can rebuild the clan that made the gods themselves come to this realm and grant the first mage Skov his power. Let’s put feat back into the gods!”

“Your twisted ideals again, you should never have been told our legends. Our time is done. We are less than a hundred diminished, accept your fate as we all have. We are the last of a dead race.”

“Words are meaningless it seems, magic has tamed you. Don’t worry I will absorb you and once again your Asura passion will burn. In me.”

Dypes disappeared and reappeared behind Haya. Who in turn dodged the swipe of Dypes hand?

“Scary you moved that fast without magic.”

“This is how we should be brother.”

Charging forth Dypes used all his might to grab onto Haya and tear his soul from flesh. Haya would dodge each with little effort but was unable to counter as the onslaught was always followed by another. Both experienced fighters not a movement were wasted. Swiping his head to the left Haya dodged a punch that cracked stone. The wall behind Haya cracked and Haya used his chance to leap out into the main road. Full of people and carts they all stared as Dypes followed charging Haya.

“Fool, I am the fastest thing alive!” Steam erupted from his mouth as he spoke.

Dypes ignored him and continued his charge at Haya. As Dypes approached Haya he disappeared and left Dypes smashing into a merchant and his stall. Oranges and fruit rolled escaping the stall and leaving Dypes on the ground open. Using his chance Haya shot forth to smash his fist into Dypes skull, just as he was about to make contact Dypes moved his head.

“How!” demanded Haya as his fist stuck out the ground. Looking at Dypes Haya gasped. “Monster!”

Dypes eyes shown bright purple, his short hair began to slowly turn purple and his teeth grew large and spiked. Then Haya knew why Dypes smiled, he felt his hands on his chest. “Eliminar Alma!” screamed Dypes.

By now people in the street were screaming and in panic at the two fighting but then a sudden chill overtook them all. Something drew them in making them feel cold and scared. They watched a grey swirl move around Haya and down into Dypes hands.

Haya jumped back from the ground and onto his feet. He looked confused. Dypes stood up off the ground and he too was confused. “You have no soul.” Dypes said almost in spite.

“Looks like your magic doesn’t affect me. Count my blessings. What will you do now?” A smug smile crossed his face as he looked at his annoyed brother. “Using magic will be useless now and the fact I can move at the speed of light will eventually wear you down. Submit and I will kill you quickly.”

“Don’t get cocky. I have other tricks.” Slamming his hands together Dypes chanted. “Mode, Effect, Asura, Demon, Activate Espex. Soul Transfer!” The air around Dypes swirled and he himself began to change. His purple hair grew longer and his finger nails turned to claws. His eyes turned into lizard eyes and his teeth grew even sharper. A large tail sprung from his back and wrapped around his waist. “As you can see! With animal instinct and the strength and speed of a demon. I will beat you!”

“What have you done! That is Espex magic!”

“Of course it is.” Pointing to his heart black scales began to form around his neck and his purple hair began to change black. “He is after all inside me.”

“You really are a twisted man; you don’t even let your brother rest in peace!”

“Don’t you get it fool? This is all his idea!” As he spoke his eyes turned from purple to grey and his large clawed hands changed shape for his right hand turned into a large sword. Looking at his body he smiled and his voice lowered and his breath exposed smoke. “It seems each person has a unique form.” Then his mouth sealed and large tentacles emerged to wrap around his face like armour only leaving his long black hair and eyes exposed.

Haya just looked at horror as Dypes changed. “Looks like you will be my final battle, let’s dance brother.” A smirk crossed his face and his large fangs exposed. Steam still erupting from him both dashed towards another.

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