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Time is the most precious thing we have and yet we waste it on a daily basis. Doing the most mundane of tasks and objectives. Then we moan "if only we had more time" well what if we did? What would you do if you could control time what would you do? Stop certain events from happening? Make sure some come to pass or simply abuse the power and shape your own destiny? Well I can offer you this gift but at what cost? What are you willing to sacrifice to change your own fate? Or are you going to change fate so much that you are no longer you? You will stop being in a sense the you now will no longer be the you that wakes up. Are you prepared?

Looking at the being Respex tears flowing from his eyes and blood splattered across his body. His hands drenched in crimson goop and his clothes tattered and scorched. "I will sacrifice everything I am already dead. My mothers dead. My father was never around. My uncles dead and all my friends have died. I am all alone and weak. I will turn the hands of fate back and erase this time line!" Anger booming from his heart he preached.

The being smiled as he continued to speak. "time travel only works forlhow long you have existed in. Therefore you cannot go back before your birth and cannot go into the future as it hasn't happened to you yet." Opening out his hand in gesture it continued to speak. "How far do you want to go?"

"The very beginning from the first moment." His words strong his voice shaky.

"Very well." clicking his fingers Respex blinked and opened his eyes.

He was in a large hall covered with damage the wooden floor warped. The old stone bricks cracked. Hundreds of people dressed in Northern clothes watching a scene in a circle.

Pushing his way through he looked at the scene they had been watching.

Dypes standing behind a slumped body. A woman holding the body. He noticed his grandmother Fure looking on with a firm face. She looked hurt Respex could tell maybe that's why she never liked him.

As he looked closer he noticed the woman was his mother. she looked younger a lot more innocent less battleworn. Then he saw the devastation in her face. Who was she holding?

"Espex don't leave me!" She howled

Espex? Who is Espex? He had never heard if him before? Covered in blood but he had purple hair and his mother was so devastated by his death? Why hadn't she ever mentioned him before.

Then he saw Dypes place his large hands on the strange mans back. This was enough for Respex to shoot out of the crowd and collide his fist with Dypes jaw.

Shock took over everyone as they watched.

"You will not claim another soul you monster you will die here and now!" Clenching his fist he turned ready to fight as the giant stood back up.

"Boy that was a strong punch, almost Ashura strong. " Rubbing his jaw he just looked at Respex. "Who are you?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you"

"Try me." His brown eyes burned with fury.

"This is my last night anyway I may as well tell you. I am Respex Ashura son of Grand Mage Samth the Angelic."

Samth looked at him with shock and as did Dypes.

"That can't be?" Said Samth

"I am from the future. A dark one were the king has fallen as have the Mage ‭and even the Ashura. Everyone here is dead" pointing forward he locks on to Dypes. "Apart from Dypea the soul consumer or Dark king Dypes to be formal".

"Who is your father?" Samth asked in shock.

"It's obvious you two are fools not to see it. Even his name is a momento to him. " Barked Fure. "He is the son of The Lord. He is Respex son of Espex."

The people in the hall bowed their heads in Respect. Dypes just looked at the boy hate brewing in his eyes.

"I am here to kill Dypes that's all that matters he needs to die so a better future can be brought about. If I must die so be it. "
Slamming his hands together he warped the air around him to reveal a large sword runes from bottom to top. Around the base many coloured clothes attached to Respex arm and the blade bent and narrowed to a sharp needle. A dim glow surrounded the blade and moulded itself around the hilt.
"This is the fusion blade of my uncle Jmor and the holy sword saints four weapons. It is named Izanami. It brings creation through destruction."

"Interesting boy. Bring it".

Dypes The Soul Keeper. (2)Where stories live. Discover now