bonus chap cause why not

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***I was bored in homeroom today, so I decided to write a short bonus chapter, cause why not, you know?
It's a bonus chapter, so don't comment something along the lines of 'CONTINUE' because I don't want to continue with this sh*t story, this is just something extra for you.***


Alexa's POV
My head rested on Leo's plastron; my fingers delicately traced the ridges. Doing this always seemed to ease any nerves or worries I had.

That - and Leo gently running his fingers through my hair, untangling it and massaging my scalp - never ceased to fill me with pure bliss.

"Is this how we're going to spend our day?" Leo asked, his chest rising and falling with even breaths.

I smiled. "Well, Ben's out with Mikey, Raph, and Donnie, so we have the whole lair to ourselves, except for Splinter."

"Don't worry about him, I told him we would be spending the day together, so he won't bother us," Leo replied.

"Ugh, Leo, you're acting like he's some nuisance," I lightly smacked his arm.

"I am not," his chest rumbles with chuckles that he's trying to hold in. "I just told him that we would have the day to ourselves."

I decided to drop the topic, quietly humming to myself instead.



"Sing, I know you have a beautiful voice; use it. I want to hear it."

I lifted my head to meet Leo's warming grin.
"I-I can't sing, I sound like a man," I stated, already feeling warmth spread through my cheeks.

"I would never judge you, dear. It's only us, and you don't sound like a man; it's all in your head," he kissed my forehead.

I sucked in a breath. I despised singing in front of anyone, but I also despised being embarrassed in front of Leonardo, my husband.

"What should I sing?"

"Anything you feel comfortable with," his hand tightened comfortably on my waist, signaling that he supported me, that he was there for me.

I took a deep breath and laid my head on Leo's plastron again. My eyes wandered to the ceiling,which is now littered with cracks from age. A smile eases it's way onto my face as I think of the perfect song to sing.

I watched you sleepin' quietly in my bed
You don't know this now but
There's somethings that need to be said
And it's all that I can hear
It's more than I can bear

What if I fall and hurt myself
Would you know how to fix me?
What if I went and lost myself
Would you know where to find me?
If I forgot who I am
Would you please remind me?
Oh, cause without you things go hazy.

I close my eyes while I take steady breaths.

Leo is silent and I begin to worry. I lift my head to see what's wrong with him. My heart shatters when I find a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Aw, Leo, you're crying," I gently swipe the tear away with the pad of my thumb.

"I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating, that's all."

I chuckle. "What did you think?"

"I thought your voice sounded beautiful, angelic even," he grinned, "you sounded wonderful, and you should never be afraid to sing in front of me again."

"I know, I just never thought I sounded that good. I was never good enough where I felt the need to broadcast my voice ever, so I kept quiet."

"Well, I don't want you keeping quiet for me ever again," his eyes held a mischievous glint that made my heart pound. "Especially when I do this."
I was left with no time to respond as he hastily took my head in his hands and kissed me with pure, hard passion.
We both sat up, me sitting in between his legs. He cradled my cheek and I looped my fingers through his mask tails, twisting and then unraveling them from knots I created.

In the year that we've been married now, we've had plenty of time for kissing, believe me, but the thing was that it never got old; it never became dull. Everytime was something new, either Leo would switch up how his lips moved against mine, or I would experience a feeling of bravery, and I would take control of where anything went afterward.

These thoughts run though my head, causing me to smile while Leo's mouth is still attached to mine. He moans and returns the grin, without even caring to know the reason behind my smiling.
But I guess he already knows, because I love him, and he loves me.

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