Chapter 9 - Part 2

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We had been done with training for two hours already and there was still no sign of April or Alexa. It's not like I was worried, April did have her T-Phone and would give us a call if anything did happen, but you never know. I didn't want them getting hurt.

Maybe it was just me who didn't get a call. Maybe April called Donnie. I decided to go check. I walked into Donnie's lab and saw him pouring a substance into a beaker.

"Hey Donnie, have you gotten any calls from April or Alexa?" I asked him. I placed my hand on the table and stayed clear of the chemicals he was mixing together.

"No, why?" he asked not looking up from his mixture. He was crouching down so he could see what he was doing at eye level.

"I don't know, I'm starting to get a little worried," I rubbed the back of my neck while shrugging.

"I'm sure they're fine. You need to remember that Alexa doesn't have any clothes so they might be shopping a long time," Donnie explained. He set a beaker back down in the holder and gave me a reassuring smile, but it didn't work.

"I guess you're right, they're probably just getting a lot of stuff," I lied.

"When am I not?" Donnie put a finger up in the air and smiled cockily.

I rolled my eyes and turned on my heel, heading towards the door. I walked out and resumed my watching of Super Robo Mecha Force Five.

Alexa POV

Pretty soon, April and I had gotten cornered with the three teenage boys on all sides of us. They didn't really look like they knew how to fight, but one should know to never judge a book by its cover.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked them.

"All we wanted was a good time, but you had to ruin it," Xavier crossed his arms and frowned.

"We didn't ruin anything, you could've just not invited us," April said.

"But you two looked like such great fun, you've really made us sad," Xavier's lips drooped downwards as in making a sad puppy dog face.

"Just let us be, we don't want any trouble," I put my hands up in front of me, as if telling them to stay away from us.

"Where's the fun in that?" Hunter grinned at us. He cracked his knuckles and I gulped.

"Uh... I'm warning you, we know how to fight," I made a fist as if to show them.

"We do too," Xavier chuckled as him, Hunter, and Danny started advancing on us.

"You do realize that doing this won't solve anything right? I just don't want to see you do something you'll regret," I said nervously. With every step they took towards us, I took two steps back.

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