Chapter 33

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Alexa POV

I didn't dare flip on the lights. I was too afraid of what would happen if I did. He still had not turn around, so I could see him clearly. His demeanor sent chills down my spine. Goosebumps had risen on my arms, and they weren't from the chilly temperature of the darkened lair.

Leo was drunk. It didn't take a genius to figure it out either.

With my phone in hand, I slowly crept towards him. I knew how intoxicated people can lash out on you, even when you didn't do anything, so I made sure to keep my distance, while still advancing towards him.

"Leo?" my voice came out soft, nothing above a whisper. When he didn't respond, I lifted a finger, but hesitated before I followed through with tapping him on the shoulder. Should I? Will he get violent? Leo had never been drunk before, so I hadn't a clue what to expect.

I tapped on his shoulder warily, my hands trembling ever so slightly. A faint groan slipped out of his mouth as he slowly turned to face me. I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle the gasp that insisted on coming.

His eyes under his deep blue mask horrified me. They were bloodshot and it looked as if he hadn't slept in days. His face looked sullen, no emotion whatsoever. It intimidated me, almost to the point where I had to look away. It was a sight one would expect to see in a nightmare.

"Leo, why?" I breathed. I was so full of concern, worry, and something else that stood out amongst the rest: confusion. Why would he drink?

He mumbled a response back, but I didn't catch any of it. I wanted to lean in a little closer, to hear him better, but the smell was already getting to me. I despised alcohol. I think it should only be used for medical purposes only.

I didn't need to ask him any more questions; they would all come out in the same short, murmured replies. So, I placed one hand on his shell, the other on his forearm, and led him out of the kitchen. Or at least tried to.

He wouldn't budge, no matter how hard I pushed and begged softly. He wouldn't even make eye contact with me, which hurt me the most. I repeatedly glanced up at his eyes to see if maybe he might already be staring down at me, but he never was. He continuously had that same blank look in his eyes. But I could tell there was pain hidden behind the redness.

"Leo, please, don't be difficult, not tonight, I'm tired," I said, meaning it. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, then snapped them open again.

"Maybe you should've thought of that before you decided to pick a fight with me," his voice came out soft and gentle, not raspy like I previously heard from his short mumbled responses.

Did he really just say that? Now?

I stopped in my tracks, before I looked up at him to see if he was finally looking at me, I quickly reminded myself that he was still drunk; therefore thinking straight was not on his to do list tonight. So I wasn't going to let anything he plans on saying affect me.

I looked up at him and took my hands off his shell and arm. "What did you just say?" I whispered sharply. I was dreading the bickering that I knew was going to follow after this.I was shocked to see his eyes already laid on me. They were slightly narrowed, but it was not in an intimidating gesture. I was used to this, after all.

"You heard me, or are you too stupid to realize that too?" he ridiculed. I think I could almost see the faintest grin plastered on his face while he watched my pain that was occurring both inside and outside of me.

I took a step back, as if increasing the distance between us was going to stop his blows from injuring me worse. I slowly inhaled and exhaled with my eyes closed. If I needed to make it out of this without ripping my hair out, then I need to stay calm.

"I am not stupid," I stand my ground, at least I try to. Before he began talking, I was planning on taking him to our room where he could hopefully sleep off his intoxication, but now I was pushing him towards the couch, where he would sleep tonight because of his behavior. I didn't care if maybe he couldn't control what was spewing out of his mouth at the moment, but I was not going to let him trash talk me.

His next series of insults were slurred, and for once, I was relieved I couldn't hear what he was saying.

I continued dragging him towards the couch. When I heard his feet being shuffling behind me, I peered down and saw he was purposely trying to irritate me. I scowled at him and he gave me a sly grin in return. I hated this. I hated this side of him, this drunken side. I wish I never have to deal with it again.

I pushed him forcefully on the couch, while he groaned loudly. I wanted to stay and see if he needs anything, but then I remembered why I was having him sleep here in the first place, so I soon turned on my heel and began to walk away.

"Wait..." he whispered behind me.

I took a deep breath before I turned to face him.


My vision was blurry, making every color seem distorted, when something pushed me onto a couch, hard. I groaned and flipped myself around so I was sitting in an upright position. I saw the familiar blonde hair of Alexa and my heart rate sped up, just as it always does whenever I see that woman. Then I realized she was walking away from me. "Wait."

As if in cue, my regained my full vision and could see her clearly now. Apprehension covered her features. She stood straight up, arms crossed, but the only thing holding her back from looking entirely confident was the glint in her eyes. Shattered through and through. Deep down, it crushed me seeing her like this. And over me. Why did I have to turn to alcohol? Even though she says she is always so insecure and self-conscious, she still manages to look confident without even trying. It's just that vibe she emits. I want to shut her up with a kiss everytime she says she is insecure about how she looks or how she acts. She's perfect in my eyes, and that's all that matters to me.

"Can you stay with me, just for a little while?" I said softly. When I saw her exhale loudly and run a hand through her hair, I said, "I know you don't, but I need you so much right now, you have no idea. I was stupid and wasn't thinking clearly when I did... that."

Her eyes contemplated my face, searching for some explanation that she would never find in my emotionless eyes. I gave a small smile to try to speed up her decision. She nodded her head once, a smile playing on her lips as well. As much I wanted to kiss her lips to make it grow, I knew she wanted space.

I opened my arms for her to crawl into, which she happily complied. I reached for a blanket that was already placed at the bottom on my feet and pulled it up to meet our chins. To my surprise, she faced me and pulled herself closer to me, hugging me. I wrapped one arm around her waist and just let it rest there. She didn't push it off, so I didn't feel the need to remove it. I heard her sigh and laid a hand on my plastron. I welcomed the silence that followed. I counted off six minutes before her breathing became even, meaning that she is finally asleep. I kissed her forehead lightly and whispered:

"Please forgive me; I can't picture a world that I would be in without you. You mean too much to me."

Hopefully in the morning, we won't fight and I will be sober enough to manage. I do remember what I said earlier, about how she should've thought about her tiredness before starting a fight with me. I have no clue why I said it. The alcohol was a big reason, but she knows I'm strong enough to fight off the constant buzzing in my ears from the effects of the liquid.

I squeeze my eyes shut and let the darkness consume me. I don't know what to expect when we both wake up. We've never had a fight this huge before; I don't know how this'll end, and the thought terrifies me. When I think I know everything about Alexa, she always finds a way to prove me wrong. That's one of the reasons why I love her. I think all relationships should have some hard times, but only because you need to know what to expect from the other half. One needs to know how he or she will act when a fight occurs. Then, the good times relationships have should cover up those bad times like a blanket. They should be tucked away and out of mind.

Pretty soon, I find myself dozing off too.

A/N - Oh lord. I am so sorry for not updating sooner. I'm honestly just going to have them make up next chapter, then the proposal, then the marriage, then the kids, and be done from there. I promise the next final chapters won't take as long as this one did.

Until next time


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