Chapter 2

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Alexa POV

"What's the first thing we're gonna do when we get there?" I prop myself on the arm rest and look at my mom's face.

"Well, first, we're going to find a hotel and then get everything sorted out from there," she answered.

I looked ahead in the same lane as us to see a black van sort of swerving from side to side, almost crossing the lines and moving into another lane. I didn't think much of it at the time, even though I should've.

I looked over at my mom and she was looking at the signs that were passing over our heads, telling us where to go.

"I thought that once we get there, I can register you into a school and you can start there on Monday," she grinned at what she just said.

I groaned and rested my head on my head.

"Alexa, you're only 15, you still need to go to school you know," she said surprised.

"I know, I know," I sighed.

Just then, my favorite song turned on. Demons by Imagine Dragons. I loved that song so much because I could sing to it. My mom always commplemented me on how I sing to it. I don't think I sing that well. I don't really think I do anything well, I'm just below average for anything and everything. I don't even consider myself good-looking or pretty in any way. My mom says all women are pretty, and I agree with that, but this women in my body doesn not think she is pretty.

I have sung Demons so many times that my mom has even caught on to several lyrics throughout the song. We were jamming out, singing really loudly, not having any cares in the world, when I made a bad mistake of closing my eyes for a second and enjoying the moment. When I opened my eyes, I saw the same car that was swerving left and right before had just suddenly stopped in the middle of the highway.

"MOM LOOKOUT!" I screamed right before we collided with the back of the van. You know that feeling when you're about to glide down the steepest point of a rollercoaster? That feeling that makes you feel like their is no air in your lungs and you can't even scream because you're filled with so much adrenaline. That was what I was feeling when the car flipped over the van after the speed we were going made our car flip over when the van abruptly came to a stop. I didn't even know what I was doing at the moment. I didn't know if I had my arms covering my head and neck. I didn't know if I had my arms straight out of front of me, to make anything coming towards me get stopped by my hands. That was just it, I had no idea. It was as if everything was moving in slow motion. The windows were smashing in slow motion, the airbags were blowing out in slow motion. Everything went awry. The next thing I remember was something jabbing into my shoulder, and then the whole world was consumed by darkness. A never ending black hole.

(A/N) - I know, this chapter is short, but I wanted to end off on a cliffhanger. I felt like I didn't put much detail into the last part of this chapter, but that just might be me. Later dudes and dudettes. ;)

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