Chapter 1

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I do no own TMNT, just my character and storyline.

Alexa POV

"Finally! The freak is leaving!" Luke cheers as the other girls stare dreamily at him and the other boys cheer with him, agreeing with anything he will ever say. I roll my eyes.

"Luke, please! Go to the office now! I told you not to make fun of Alexa anymore!" Mr. Johnson demands. He points to the door, waiting for Luke to get out of his seat and file towards the door. When he finally disappeared around the corner, Mr. Johnson turned to me.

"I'm sorry about him, Ms. Davis," the teacher apologized for his student's rude behavior.

"It's ok, after all, I'm used to it," I replied, turning my gaze to Macy Parker. She is the girl version of Luke, always asking if I could go to one of her many parties, but then turning around and saying I wasn't even invited. She, and mainly everyone else, says that I should kill myself. I would never do that though. Life has too many adventures for someone to kill themselves. They wouldn't be able to experience those adventures if they weren't alive anymore.

All Macy does is roll her eyes and turn around to talk to her other friends. I turn my attention back to Mr. Johnson. He sighs and checks my textbook off of his list, telling him I've already turned it in for the year.

I smile knowing it's my last day in this dreadful school. I realized that I hadn't even learned anything the whole 7 months that I've been at the school. It seems like all teachers do now-a-days is just give you the work and then say do it. I started back in September and it's now March. Spring is around the corner.

A ringing alerts everyone in the room. Everyone silences when Mr. Johnson runs to pick up the phone. I already know it's for me.

"Yes, I will send her down now... ok... goodbye now," Mr. Johnson scans the room before telling me I have to leave.

"Everyone say goodbye to Alexa," he tries to get everyone to join in, but only a few audible goodbye's are heard throughout the room.

I don't have the energy to waste my breath on these people so I keep my mouth shut and exit the classroom.

Once I'm finally out of there, I let out a deep huff of air. My mom is waiting for me in her car so I don't waste my time at my locker collecting my things to pack up my old life. I slam my locker and start heading towards the front entrance of the school. I push through the doors of the school. I didn't care about this place at all. Anyone could tell the building was old. It was crumbling and some termites had already eaten away some of the wooden drywall in some of the older classrooms. The stench didn't help at all either. I spotted my mother sitting in our car in the parking lot. When she saw me, she smiled and started the car up. I hurried over to the car, opened the door, and climbed in. I threw my backpack over into the back seat.

"How was you last day at this school?" my mom asked, focusing on the road as she pulled out of the parking lot.

"Same old, same old," I shrugged.

As she started talking, I zoned out and looked at the town as it passed by. My mom told me to never get too attached to anything because sooner or later, it would be gone, taken from you. I guess she didn't want to be reminded of her dark past. That's why we move a lot. I guess she takes it as a form of running away. An indicent happened to her a long time ago, and I don't think she ever really got over it that much. She doesn't like when I try to get more information out of her, when I ask her what happened. It's like she was ashamed and scared back then.

I've lost count of how many times we've moved. I stopped counting after we hit twenty times. My mom said that after she experienced the incident, she never wanted to be in that town ever again. I guess she's too worked up about her past to realize that we don't need to move anymore. But in her mind, she think that if we stay in a town longer than we should, that something will happen to us. So that's why we practically live on the road. Always moving from one place to another. Sometimes I wish my life wasn't so busy. Like, I wish for just a couple years, I could stay in one location and attend their school, without having to move after 6 or 7 months. I want to be a normal girl with a bunch of friends that I could go to the movies with. I realize that I will probably never have that. But then again, I do like this life. It's full of new adventures around every corner. I have traveled so much that I have seen and learned so much about every single place I go to.

"Are you listening to me?" my mother interrupts my train of thought by waving the back of her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I'm just thinking," I say blandly.

"What are you thinking about?" she asks gently.

My mother has always been gentle with me. That's part of the reason why I think she isn't strong enough to let go of the past and forget about it. I think I am a little bit emotionally stronger than her. But then again, nothing overally exciting has happened in my life for me to test that theory.

"Just of what the next town is going to be like," I smile at her, making her return the smile.

"We're going to New York City next," she tells me.

"Really?" I ask eagerly.

"Yep, but first I think we should get some dinner and a hotel room," she explains.

"Fine by me," I shift in the passenger seat so I'm more comfortable.


"Mom, I just ate, I don't want to train just yet," I whine.

"C'mon, I want you to be able to defend yourself in case anything happens to you while I'm not around," she explains.

"You always say that," I sit on the bed and cross my arms.

"Just come Alexa!" she suddenly raises her voice and I zoom over to her in an instant.

Along with traveling a lot, my mom also makes me train basic martial arts with her so that if anything happens to her and I'm all alone, I can be able to defend myself. I think this has something to do with her little incident many years ago. Perhaps she might've gotten hurt by someone and she doesn't want that to happen to me. But we all know that crime can happen at anytime so I always have to be cautious of my surroundings.

So now, whenever we have free time in our apartment that we rent or a hotel room, we always train together. This also counts as my exercise everyday, so I'm always in shape.

"Now, lets begin," she says as she and I get on the floor to start stretching.

TIME SKIP (I'm just doing all these time skips because I want to get to the action, and because I'm lazy to write it all out)

It's the next morning now and me and my mom have packed everything we have up.

"Lets get in the car," mom puts her hand on my back and gently pushes me out fo the hotel room. I start walking down the long, narrow hallway, walking slowly so I can wait for mom to catch up.

We stop at the front desk, so she can turn in the hotel room key, and then, we're off to New York.

When we get in the car, I buckle myself in and put down the visor because the sun's in my eyes. I listen to the engine grumble as we make our way out of the parking lot and onto the highway. We got a big day ahead of us.

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