Chapter 7

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Alexa POV

After we all settled in the kitchen, with Leo on one side of me and Donnie on the opposite side, Mikey flipped open the pizza box to reveal a large, steaming, pepperoni pizza.

"I hope pepperoni is fine with you Alexa," Leo said.

"Oh, its fine, I love any kind of pizza," I smiled as I took two pieces for myself.

"So, what do you like to do for fun?" Mikey asked.

"Well, I like to read, watch tv, train, and I like to write, you know, stories that I make up," I said shyly.

"Really? What kind of genres do you like?" Donnie asked with an amazed look on his face.

"I like fantasy, science fiction, and some realistic fiction," I replied, loosening up a little.

Why was I so nervous around these guys? After all, they saved my life, so I should act myself around them. Since I was always on the move, I never got really attached to someone so I'm a little socially awkward. But I'm trying to get better with that.

"Cool, thats what I like too, maybe we can have like a book club together or something," Leo nudged me with his elbow and my face started heating up. I looked down at my pizza.

"I'd like that," I smiled and looked down at my plate awkwardly.

From the corner of my eye, I made Raph frown and then he angrily got up from his seat and fled the kitchen.

"What was that about?" I ask, looking to Leo.

"I don't know, I'll go see whats wrong," Leo said, pushing himself from the table and disappearing around the corner.

I looked to Donnie and Mikey and they just shrugged and went back to their pizza.


I already knew where Raph fled to, without even giving it a second thought.

The way he somewhat growled and left the room, I knew his feelings had been hurt. Alexa and I were just having fun, was he jealous?

I knew he wasn't in his room, but instead, out in the sewers in his usual spot where he wants to get away from the world.

I jumped over the turnstyles and started to pick up my pace. He hadn't gotten that far, because after a couple of minutes of turning down random corners, I finally found him. He was sitting on the familiar bench that we always used to play on when we were little.

Us four turtles would venture out into the tunnels of the sewers and explore when Sensai was meditating. One time, we found this bench with some old and worn down posters advertising random products strewn across the walls. It felt cozy and it wasn't that far from the lair, so we made it our hideout. Of course, over the years, the spot has become more of a moping place than a fun place. Raph always goes here when he has had a sucky training day or when Mikey annoys him too much.

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