Chapter 23

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Alexa POV

Raph shaking me lightly snapped me back to reality. The rain had died down, so all that was left was a slight drizzle. I looked back up to him, and saw that behind him was the worried expression of Donnie and Mikey. My heart broke for them.

I remembered that shortly after the Kraang had taken Leo, the three had finally showed up.

"The Kraang," I said, emotionless. My throat was dry and my cheeks were getting tight from the mix of the rain and my tears. I pushed myself up off the ground and stood up. "The Kraang took him. We have to get him back, now!"

There was heavy urgence in my voice. I grasped Raph's shoulders tightly and gave them a light shake. Instead of getting annoyed and pushing my hands off, like I thought he would, he only placed his hands on top of mine and said calmly, "we're going to get him back, don't worry Alexa."

Deep down I knew he was right, but right now my heart was aching and I felt myself being pushed down the road of doubt that we will ever get him back. I sighed as I looked at the ground, where puddles had produced from the downpour that had just occured. I looked back up to Raph's eye level with determination in my eyes.

"They went that way, I know that for sure," I pointed in the direction where I saw Leo get shoved off of the roof. I still never found out if he hit the ground or if he got caught because I just didn't see it.

"Okay, but first we should go back to the lair and gear up," Donnie mentioned.

I turned on my heel and aimed a finger at him. "What? No! We need to go now! We can't waste another second!"

"We know, it's just we don't know what we're dealing with here, they-"

I cut Donnie off. "We're dealing with the Kraang here. We've handled them before. Why can't we just track him and go?" I crossed my arms and gave them all a confused look. "If you guys aren't that geared up, then what took you so long to get here?"

"Well, um, you see..." Donnie started. They all looked guilty, they were looking everywhere but at me. "We were cleaning up a prank from Mikey right after the fight and we had to finish cleaning it before going after you."

I gave them the biggest irritated face I had ever given someone. "That's your reason? That's the stupidest reason I've ever heard! And you guys better be telling the truth or I will beat your sorry as-"

"Woah, woah, Alexa, that's enough! Unfortunately, it's the truth and we are terribly sorry for not coming to you earlier!" Donnie yelled over my shouting, giving me a sympathetic look. I rolled my eyes.

"If you guys are going to go back and 'gear up,'" I made air quotes. "Then I will go get Leo back myself."

"Um, you can't do that," Donnie countered, holding up a finger.

I gave him a sideways glare as I turned around in the direction of where Leo was last seen. "And why not?"

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