Chapter 24

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Alexa POV

I had to push Leo out of the way. I had to. But I didn't expect mutagen to get dropped on me in the process. All I wanted to do was get Leo safe.

I thought that if I were able to get both of us out of the way in time, that we would be make it through without getting mutated. But I was wrong. Well, not entirely wrong.

I thought I was a goner, but when I didn't feel a bunch of ooze drop on me, I opened my eyes, and discovered that only a couple drops had fallen from the canister. I looked up at the container and saw that it was right side up again. I then felt a burning sensation on my leg and saw that only a small amount had dropped on me. My eyes widened and my lips parted in surprise.

Why wasn't I mutating?

It got on my pant leg and had seeped through the material, now touching my skin on the back of my leg. I rolled the pant leg up and saw that it was already soaking into my skin. I stared at in in horror. The weird thing was, was that I only felt a little pain. It wasn't like how I imagined it to feel.

"Alexa, are you okay?!" Leo appeared by my side just as the last of the ooze vanished into my skin.

I slowly looked from my leg, up to him, who was kneeling right next to me, "I... I'm fine, actually."

His concerned face didn't leave once I said that though. He still glanced between my leg and my eyes worriedly. His gaze averted to Donnie. "Donnie, what is going on? Why isn't she changing?"

I looked at Donnie too. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. After a couple more seconds of looking at me, then the floor, he finally spoke, "I'm sure it had something to do with how she didn't get that much on her. She only got a few drops on her, and I'm not sure if that amount is enough for a full body transformation."

I was speechless. I was grateful that I didn't change, but speechless. I let Leo haul me off the ground.

The rest went by in a blur, but we managed to get out of there alive.


When I said we got out of there alive, I didn't mean the whole journey back was smooth either.

I was on Leo's back while the guys were running along the rooftops, trying to search for the nearest manhole that would lead us directly to the lair. Leo said I had to get carried because he was worried the mutagen weakened my leg. I could see where he was coming from with that. But ever since the mutagen soaked into my skin, I've felt... different, and it's a good different.

We stopped dead in our tracks when we heard the low grumble of laughter. There was only one person who could make their voice that deep, and it still sound natural.

"I knew you would be here at this time and place, I've had my Footbots tracking you, so I will know the exact time to strike," he said, his voice announcing his presence in the darkness. We could only see his silhouette in the shadows. I was about to jump off of Leo, until his grip on my tightened, keeping me in place. I bent lower so I could whisper, "Leo, you need to let go of me. You need your hands free-"

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