C H A P T E R: 1

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  I  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"I want a 400 word essay after spring break," Mrs. Carson said over the bell. Many students groaned over this.

Everyone walked out of the classroom while Cyra was asked to stay back.

"Yes, Mrs. Carson?" She said slinging her backpack over her shoulder and walking up to the desk.

"Well Ms. Harrington, You have been walking into class late lately and that never seemed to be you before, I want to make sure everything's okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just tired.. lately, it's fine," Cyra was high as a kite and had perfected hiding it. "Can.. I go?"

"Yes, but I have made you an appointment with the Counselor tomorrow," she just nodded not hearing a single word walking out of the room.

She walks past many students just standing in the hallway, and she sees Max. Cyra looks away while Max kinda just looks over for a moment. Cyra had avoided everyone that was with her in the mall that summer.

After what happened at the mall, she stopped talking to everyone, she went into the popular crowd. Cyra just wanted her life to be normal again. Steve at first was always pressing her and trying to get answers out of her but after the whole summer he stopped.

Robin would come over somedays and try to make it happy in the house but all Cyra could think about was leaving the second she graduated.

Cyra walked to her locker but Chrissy was waiting there.

"Hey Chrissy," she said kinda confused.

"Hey, I need to talk to you about something," Cyra nodded for her to go on. "I was wondering where I could get weed. I know you get some from Eddie, could you talk to him for me," She was kinda surprised Chrissy Cunningham was even thinking about this.

"Uhh.. I would have to talk to him first but... uh I'll tell you at cheer practice tonight," she nodded.

"Thank you," Cyra nodded as she walked away. Cyra was already meeting him at lunch anyways so it couldn't really hurt to ask him.


She was walking to the forest behind the school field, where she would meet up with Eddie. Once she got there, she sat there for a second before she heard a clicking. She stopped and listening and heard it coming from farther in the forest. She knew it was dumb to go farther in but she couldn't care less.

She got up and started walking where the clicking got louder.

"I'm an idiot," she said to herself. The farther she walked the louder it got and then it stopped all of a sudden. "I swear to god, if some stupid monster is back i'm leaving the country," Talking to herself seemed to help a little but then she just started waking back since there was nothing.

After almost making it to the bench, something wrapped around her leg and started to drag her.

"Help!" She could only get that one word out before something covered her mouth. The vines pulled her against a tree and started to get tighter and tighter.

She was trying to breath as someone started talking.

"Hello Cyra, you seem to be in a lot of pain," the voice said. She tried turning her neck to see who it was but there was no one there.

'No shit' she thought.

"Your still haunted by what happened during the summer, I want to end all that suffering for yo-" he stopped taking and the vines disappeared as she dropped to the floor. She looked around to see a figure running up. The closer it got the more she realized it was Eddie.

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now