C H A P T E R: 16

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  XV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

 Robin, Eddie, and Nancy had been upstairs eating for Dustin to figure out how to communicate with them while Steve and Cyra sat on the island in the Wheeler's house. 

"You know I never meant to be a little shit to you," she sighs, "I just... it's been such an insane few years and I just can't handle this anymore.... I think I might move after we figure this one out," 

"I'll go with you," Steve said without thinking. He didn't want his baby sister on her own, especially with stuff like the upside-down still happening. 

"No. Steve-" Steve cuts off Cyra. 

"No way am I letting you on your own. Especially after all of this. I'll go with you... where ever you want to go but just promise me you won't leave without me?"

"Steve..." Cyra whined a little bit. She understood where he was coming from but she knew how much he loved everyone here. How this was his home and family. 

"Promise me?" He said again.

"..I promise," She stood him. She may have to break a promise...


After the group came down and explained everything to the two siblings they had hopped onto the four bikes. Cyra had hopped onto the back of Eddie's bike while holding onto him.

They had been biking for an awhile when they arrived at Eddie's trailer. As Cyra got off the back Eddie helped her off with one of his hands.

"Thank you," She said to him but immediately walked away. Eddie had been so confused as to why she stopped talking to him and advising him at all costs. 

As the group walked into the trailer they saw the glowing red opening to the real world. It almost looked fake, as if they were in a movie but the pain each and every one of them felt was way too real. 

"This is where Chrissy died," He said as he turned his head to look at Cyra. Cyra could see out of the corner of her eye that he was looking at her but she acted as if she couldn't tell.

 "I think there's something in there," Robin says. 

"what the hell is that?" Eddie asks. 

Suddenly, it pierces truth the gate and they all jump back. A hole opens up in the gate and a stick is shoved through. Cyra slowly makes her way over to he opening and looks up. Eddie puts a hand on her shoulder and walks with her. 

As they both look up they can't believe their eyes.

"No way," Steve says. I shake my head in disbelief.

"Hi there!" Dustin yells. Everyone starts to laugh in shock and there's a little sense of relief over everyone.

"holy shit this is trippy," Robin says. 

"This doesn't feel real," Cyra says.

"Then it's one hell of a nightmare," Nancy tells Cyra. 

The kids run off, away from the gate, and we wait for them to return. Lucas and max are the first to come back as they how Eddie's mattress in front of the gate. 

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now