C H A P T E R: 15

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  XV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Cyra had woken up while the group had been walking to the Wheeler's house to get supplies and find something to help her. She had found out that not only had the bat left something in her but it was metal. 

Once they got Cyra laying down on the table in the Wheeler's house, in the upside down, Nancy pulled off her shirt. There was metal in the right side of her abdomen, lot of the metal was sticking out of her skin bleeding.

"Eddie, hold her down while we pull this out," Nancy told him. Cyra was biting her lip from the pain and it started bleeding.

Eddie walked over to her, where tears were falling down her face. Eddie holds down her shoulders so she couldn't move, while she turns her head away to try and hold back tears. Cyra winced when Nancy picks shrapnel out of Cyra's stomach. Steve was holding her hand on the other side of her watching his sister in pain. It hurt him to just stand there but he knew there was nothing he could do. Robin was just babbling on but Cyra could barely hear anything over the pain she felt.

Every sob from Cyra is followed by bloody metal that 'plinks' on the floor every time Nancy pulls some out. Eddie turns his head to stare down at Cyra's red panicked tear-stained face and locks eyes with her. Cyra starts to shake from the pain and is trying to keep her eyes open.

"Make sure she doesn't fall asleep or go unconscious," Nancy tells Eddie. Eddie nods at her and makes eye contact with Cyra again.

"Just keep looking at me. Yep that's right, eyes on me," Nancy pulled a big peice of metal out and Cyra winced in pain, "I know, I know - it hurts, but you're doing great, you're gonna be ok. Nancy's almost done and afterward you can sleep for a month, once we get out of here. Just keep your eyes on me, ok? Stay with me," Cyra nods as more tears stream down her face. She pulls her clenched lips into her mouth between their teeth, and squeezes her eyes tightly shut as more tears leak out.

Nancy hesitated, turning to Eddie, "This peice is big. You got her?" Eddie braced himself," Yeah i'll keep her down. Just get it out quick. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take," Cyra grabbed Eddie's shoulder, eyes wide with fear. Eddie shut his eyes, squeezing her back. Nancy counted down, "Three, two, one".

Cyra didn't scream, but dug her fingernails into Eddie's back, before letting go and collapsing against the table. After about five minutes she caught her breath.

"You know, now you will have a cool scar and you and Steve match," Robin said. Cyra just looked at her and laughed a little. It hurt her wound while she laughed.

"Can you stand?" Steve asked her. He was basically in tears from watching her in pain. Cyra nodded shakily. Trying to pull herself to her feet.

Just as soon as she managed to get upright, her knees buckled. Cyra's vision went blurry as she tried to grab the wall, or anything, to stop her from falling.

Steve caught her before she hit the ground, helping her back up to the table. "Sorry," Cyra mutters as she sighs into her hands.

"It's okay, Steve can you carry her?" Nancy asks him.

"No, my stomach," He pointed to the wound from before, "I can't,"

"Ok, how about Eddie, Robin and I go up to my room to get the guns and anything else if possible and Steve stays down here with Cyra," Nancy told everyone. They all seemed to agree and continued on.

"So, you have a tattoo?" Steve asked her. She sighed.

"You saw it didn't you?" Cyra asked him knowing full well he saw it while Nancy ripped off her shirt.

"Yeah, and where did you get it? When did you get it?" He asked. She sighed for a moment knowing that it wasn't worth getting mad about.

"You're never gonna lose the older brother tactic, are you?"  she joked. He laughed with her, ignoring it for now.

As Steve and Cyra were sitting in silence. They could hear a voice. They looked at each other for a second before turning back and listening again. 

"Oh my god! That's Dustin!" Cyra yelled out. Steve nodded his head in excitement. As he started yelling out Dustin's name. 

"Can you hear me, Dustin?! Dustin!" Steve yelled out as everyone else ran down the stairs. 

"Maybe he really does have rabies," Robin said. 

"Steve, what are you doing?" Nancy asks him as he flashes the light in their eyes. 

"He's here. Henderson. That little shit, he's here. He's like... in the walls or something just listen," 

"It's true," Cyra added. Everyone got silent for a moment trying to listen and then Dustin's voice came back. 

Suddenly everyone heard it and started yelling out his name. Obviously, he couldn't hear them. 

"Will found a way. Will found a way to talk to Joyce with the lights," Nancy says as she starts flipping lights. Cyra looks up at the light in the hallway and sees it's glowing. 

"Uhh... guys do you see that?" She says pointing at it. "I'm guessing that's how we talk to Dustin," 

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now