C H A P T E R: 5

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As Max and Cyra went back to the conversation they were kinda lost.

"You know I tried to wake her man. She couldn't move. It was like she... she was in a trance or something," Eddie said, forcing himself to remember. Cyra could tell in his eyes that he just wanted it to be over.

"Or under a spell," Dustin added. Cyra looked at him like he was an alien.

"I'm sorry, spell? I know we've been through shit but spells?!" Cyra was getting pissed every second they continued to talk.

"A curse," Eddie added to Dustin's comment.

"What?! No. I won't do this shit if were fighting some creppy ass wizard," Cyra told them. They all ignored her again and she scoffed at them. All her anger she was pushing back from the mall incident was coming back.

"Vecna's curse,"

"Who's Vecna?" Steve questioned Dustin. Robin and Max didn't even know how to interept this and Cyra was about to punch someone.

"An undead creature of great power,"

"I'm sorry? Undead? This can't be real. I'm done. I don't care if this thing is going to take over the world, I done with this," She started walking out but Steve grabbed onto her arm before she could leave.

"Steve let go," She told him. He didn't let go and everytime she pulled he held on tighter. 

"A spell caster,"

"A dark wizard," Cyra knew it was possible but she didn't want to believe it. She was hoping they were all paranoid but now hearing this made it real but if only they knew Vecna was getting another victim as they figured it out.


They were going to each of there houses to pick up some new clothes. The last stop was the Harringtons and only Cyra needed to go in since Steve had clothes in the car. 

"I'm giving you five minutes. That's it," Steve told her. Cyra walked out of the car and into the house. Once she walked into the house she went straight to her room.

Last year when she year when she was with the kids, she made a bag full of things they needed. She had kept it under her bed since she was so paranoid. It had two pocket knifes, a flashlight, battery, bandages, and extra pair of clothes, and a radio that Dustin gave her.

Once she grabbed it she went to the bathroom to get some essentials. Once she walked in and turned on the light, it started flickering. She looked at the light through the mirror and noticed it was only one out of three flickering. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed she was covered in blood. It wasn't the same clothes she had on and she looked a little different. She looked down at herself and had no blood on her and a different t-shirt. There was a scar on the left side of her neck that went down to the right side of her collar bone but she couldn't see anymore of it.

The light went off suddenly and went back on without flickering. She looked back at the mirror and her normal self was there.

She grabbed her bag and got out of the house as quick as possible.


Cyra was quiet the whole night and every seemed to notice it. They knew she struggled with what happened during the summer but they didn't think it was this bad.

"Cyra? Cyra? Are you even listening?" Cyra looked up to see Dustin talking trying to talk to her.  They were in the car on the way to deilver food to Eddie.

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now