C H A P T E R: 14

84 5 0

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  XIV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

We had been paddling for a little bit watching the compass. Suddenly it started spinning even faster. Robin stopped paddling.

"Whoa," Steve says. We all nodded to the fact that this was getting worse. Eddie was holding my hand and was playing with the ring that was on my index finger. It seemed to calm both of us down.

"Guy's, what's going on?" Dustin's voice on the radio asks. "Come on, guys. Talk to me,"

"Uh, Dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital 'aah!',"

"I couldn't have said it better myself," I said to Robin.

"Steve, what are you doing?" Nancy asks. I nod along looking worried at the fact of what my brother is doing.

"Somebody's gotta go down and check this out. Unless one of you four can top bring a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then... it's gotta be me. No complaints, all right?" Since I grew up with Steve I knew there was no point in arguing he was gonna get his way no matter.

"Hey, I'm not complaining. I do not want to go down there," Eddie said. I slapped his chest and he gave me a look. I shook my head at him as I looked away.

Eddie was all caught up on his own but me and Robin noticed Nancy staring at shirtless Steve. I gagged a little in my mouth.

Steve suddenly jumped into the lake and Nancy started to clock it.

"He really did all that?" Robin Asks me. I give a confused look.

"All of what?" I asked.

"Swim team, lifeguard, blah blah blah..." she said to me.

"Yeah, and he never let me live it down growing up how much better he was at sports then me," I told them all. Robin seemed to still be confused on the look on her face.

"And he still continued to work at an ice cream shop in a gross mall full of tiny demon children all day... then work at a pool with hot girls?" She asked me. I nodded and shrugged. I could never figure out my brother.

Eddie laughed at this and Nancy stifled a laugh as she was looking at her watch.

We all had been looking over the edge of the boat to see if Steve was coming up. Suddenly he bursts from the water scaring us.

"I found it," he says. I sigh from a little relief but at the same time that's not good.

"You found it?" Nancy asks out of delusion from not really believing it.

"I found it. Yeah. I found it," as Steve held onto the side of the boat Robin radios Dustin.

"Dustin your a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the gate—" suddenly the radio stops and we look at each other but continue on.

As Steve's talking to us. He gets tugged on and then dragged down.

STEVE!" I yell. I immediately start to panic.

"What the hell was that man?!" Eddie yells. The boats still shaking and we all freaking out.

"Nancy, really, what's happening?" Robin asks.

"Just wait!" She says as she jumps in. And Robin follows in after. I immediately stand up and get ready to jump.

"Where are you going?" He said grabbing my hand as I was about to jump in.

"That's my brother, there's no way i'm not doing this. So let go of my hand," I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go.

"No, i'm not going to let go, i'm coming with you," he says and we both jump in together. We swim to the bottom and get pulled threw. I hit the ground really hard. I start to cough up water as I barely had any breath left.

I get up and see everyone fighting off what looks like bats. I get up and see a sharp piece of wood. I grab it and start to help fighting off the bats.

I dodge one quickly, I keep an eye on it while it starts to circle me. Another one comes at me quickly I try to dodge the other one but it scraps my arm. Suddenly three are around me and I see Steve being strangled by one but I can't get to him.

I feel a pain in my stomach and see a bat as put it's claws into me. I grab it with my bare hand and pull it from my stomach but it's claw is left in me.

One of the bats is hit hard with a club and I see Eddie next to me. He winks at me as he kills one of the bats that was attacking me. I get up and see Robin out of breath, panting. Nancy in shock almost above Steve and Steve covered in what looks like blood.

"Jesus H Christ!" Eddie yells out, throwing the wood onto the ground. I try to get up and move over to everyone else but suddenly I get dizzy and black out.

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now